A seemingly ordinary test result unexpectedly involved two men that are not to be messed with: one, a big shot from Nanyou, the other, Jing City's living God of Plague...
The department director looked at Gu Baichuan with trembling teeth, his speech somewhat slurred, "I'm sorry! The data you requested was on my desk just now, but vanished in the blink of an eye ..."
"How can something so important just disappear?"
The director had an agonized expression, "Yes, I don't know what happened, but it's gone."
"How do you do things? Isn't there a backup?"
"Normally, there are backups in the computer, but ..."
At this point, the director almost started to cry: "I don't know what happened, it seems like the department's computers have been infected with a virus. Not one can be turned on ..."
Upon hearing this, Gu Baichuan could no longer suppress his anger, "Are you joking with me?"
"Mr. Gu, I would not dare to joke about this, even if I had two heads! There's really a problem..."