Chapter 3 She Used to be His Instructor_1

She had always strived to be a virtuous and magnanimous wife, turning a blind eye to his frivolous affairs outside their marriage.

Xia Yunsheng defended him by saying, "He has left, seems like there was an urgent matter at work."

"Knowing you would come back yesterday, he waited for you. When the quake happened, he worried something might happen to you, chiding me for allowing you to go to such a dangerous place. Yet, now you've returned, he's nowhere to be seen?"

Sir Cheng's words took Xia Yunsheng by surprise, "He's worried about me?"

"You're his wife. If he doesn't worry about you, who else would he?" Sir Cheng looked at Xia Yunsheng and said, "I understand you both are busy with work and sometimes neglect each other, but, Yanzhi does truly care about you. It's the first time I've seen him invest so much care for anyone."

Sir Cheng's words led to a moment of realization for Xia Yunsheng.

Unfortunately, Sir Cheng was saying all this because he was unaware of Cheng Yanzhi's affairs outside.

After all, at home, Cheng Yanzhi always managed to keep his affairs well concealed.

"Now that you have come back, be sure to spend quality time with him. Now you're married, you cannot only focus on work. I'm waiting to hold my great-grandchild!"

Xia Yunsheng nodded noncommittally, "Okay."

The events of last night, though tempted her to consider divorce, she dared not mention this in front of Sir Cheng.

After the meal, the butler told her, "Young mistress, Sir Cheng requests you to personally bring the young master back."

"Me?" Xia Yunsheng was preparing to visit her grandmother, hearing the butler's request, it took her by surprise, "But I don't know…"

Before she could finish, the butler handed over an address, interrupting her sentence.

Leaving the Cheng Residence, Xia Yunsheng held the address, reluctant to follow it.

Phoenix Academy, the place where Cheng Yanzhi was currently located.

Standing at the entrance, looking at the school's emblem, Xia Yunsheng couldn't help but sigh. After all, it had been two years since she left, and this was her first time returning.

She had graduated from here and it's here where she first met Cheng Yanzhi.

She could never forget her first sight of Cheng Yanzhi when he came to the academy as a substitute teacher.

So handsome, so good-looking, practically dazzling everyone's eyes.

At this moment, Cheng Yanzhi was on the training field, giving a class to the students.

The students these days are becoming bolder, capable of telling to his stoic face, a few naughty lines.

"Instructor Cheng, do you have a girlfriend? If not, how about being my boyfriend?"

Cheng Yanzhi looked at the girl and asked a surprising question, "What's your name?"

His voice was so captivating, thinking of him as her husband gave her a sense of pride.

Xia Yunsheng, who was standing on the side, heard the girl happily answer with her name.

Perhaps the girl assumed that Cheng Yanzhi asked for her name because he was interested in her.

Little did she realize Cheng Yanzhi would say, right in front of everyone, regardless of her dignity, "Very well, Miss Meng Qingqing, you're expelled."

"...." All the students who were just joking around went silent because of his statement, fearing that they might be the next one targeted by his bad mood.

The girl named Meng Qingqing was quickly dismissed from the squad and left the field in tears.

Xia Yunsheng watched Cheng Yanzhi admonishing those kids from the side, reminiscing about some past events…

Back when she was an instructor, Cheng Yanzhi was exceptionally strict, particularly towards her, making her run dozens of laps around the training field for no reason, even causing her to faint from a heatstroke once.