Chapter 13 You Are My Wife_1

"Xia Yunsheng." She dares to talk back!

Mrs. Cheng is even more dissatisfied, "They are men, and you are just a woman..."

"We live in an age of gender equality."

"After marrying into the Cheng Residence, you should abide by the rules of the Cheng family. Which woman in this house behaves like you, running around outside all day? Who is like you, not acting like a woman at all? I really don't know why my grandfather agreed to your marriage with Yanzhi."

Mrs. Cheng was furious.

She originally thought that after marrying into the Cheng family, Yunsheng would settle down a bit, and she could slowly let go of past grievances.

But she didn't expect Yunsheng to be the same as when they first met, not changing at all.

Yunsheng sighed in secret.

She might be the only one in the world who could make the graceful Mrs. Cheng raise her voice in anger.