Chapter 46 Her Relationship with Ling Xiche_1

Xia Yunsheng stiffened a moment, denying, "I did not."

"You might fool others, but can you fool me? If you didn't like Che, why would you lose control today?"

"Mom." Cheng Yanzhi tried to interrupt the topic.

Mrs. Cheng sternly said, "You stay aside for now, don't always defend her, I want to clear this up now. This issue concerns the reputation and dignity of our Cheng family. If this is true, we can't let it pass!"

"Where did you hear these words from?" Cheng Yanzhi frowned.

Mrs. Cheng glared at Xia Yunsheng as if she were something vile, "Where did I hear this from? It's spreading all over now! Your old schoolmates already knew about you liking Che! You liked Che but seduced my son... What is your intention?"

The word 'seduced' darkened Xia Yunsheng's face.

Seeing his mother's words getting more and more outrageous, Cheng Yanzhi hurriedly interrupted, "Mom, how can you say that?"

"I am just worried for you! I only have you as my son, how can I let others toy with you?"