Chapter 87 Deep Love in the Heart_1

After their marriage, he dared not enter her room, he did not disturb her... he was terribly afraid that any of his movements might scare her away.

Even so, Xia Yunsheng evaded him and was away for several months!

It was not for her evasion, not until an earthquake...

He might never have advanced in their relationship, nor would there even be this child.

The room was alit, Cheng Yanzhi's voice was velvety warm. As he was close, Xia Yunsheng's heart throbbed intensely, feeling as though his voice was caressing the tip of her heart.

If Cheng Yanzhi had wanted to enter her room at that time, she would have definitely refused.

When she first got married, Xia Yunsheng felt as if she had lost her freedom, as if she was locked in a cage.

In reality, long before their marriage, what Cheng Yanzhi had done for her far exceeded Ling Xiche, yet at the time, she loved Ling Xiche out of habit.

Losing her virginity to Cheng Yanzhi took away all her hopes of being with Ling Xiche.