Chapter 92: Meng Tingting's Younger Cousin_1

Xia Yunsheng walked into the living room, Meng Tingting noticed her first, "Sheng is back."

Cheng Yanzhi also looked up.

Only when he saw Xia Yunsheng, his eyes became different, extraordinarily soft!

Whether one likes someone or not, it can often be seen in their eyes.


Xia Yunsheng walked over and found that Meng Tingting didn't come alone today, she brought someone else.

A girl with the appearance of being fifteen or sixteen years old was sitting on the sofa, politely listening to their conversation without interrupting.

Xia Yunsheng looked at the girl, somewhat curious, "Who is this...?"

Meng Tingting glanced at the little girl beside her, and introduced, "This is Qingqing, my uncle's daughter, my younger cousin."

Xia Yunsheng sat down and stared at the girl, feeling that she looked somewhat familiar.

Meng Tingting said, "Qingqing, this is Xia Yunsheng, she used to be a top student in the military academy. You must have heard her name!"