Chapter 123 Divorce Not Yet Final_1

Each time he spoke like this, Xia Yunsheng felt a little guilty.

It was a professional habit from having been his student and subordinate for so long.

She plucked up her courage and said, "Stop trying to intimidate me with your notorious tactics. I'm pregnant now."

The baby in her belly was her amulet; she wasn't afraid of him!

Cheng Yanzhi put down his pen, stood up, walked behind her, bent over, one hand resting on the chair, and the other gently lifting her chin, "Really? If I recall correctly, the baby should be three months old now, right?"

"Wh... What do you mean?"

"The doctor said, after the baby is three months old, I can touch you!" he said, pressing his warm, moist lips to hers.

Xia Yunsheng was dumbfounded; the kiss had come so suddenly that she hadn't had time to react.

The relationship with Cheng Yanzhi was combative at best, and he was kissing her at a time like this!