Chapter 142 Grandma's Death_1

His hand held hers, warm and firm, providing a sense of security.

After Xia Yunsheng fell asleep, Cheng Yanzhi checked on her grandmother once more, even staying to chat with her a while longer.

Xia Yunsheng always thought her grandmother favored others over her, but in truth, most of her grandmother's conversations with Cheng Yanzhi were about her!

In her grandmother's eyes, Cheng Yanzhi was undoubtedly the most reliable refuge for Xia Yunsheng.

Many years later, Cheng Yanzhi could still remember her grandmother gripping his hand, earnestly saying: "Yanzhi, if there comes a day when your grandmother is no longer here, you must take good care of Sheng. She may seem strong on the outside, but inside, she is weaker than anyone else. My biggest worry in this world is her! I'm always afraid that without me, she might suffer or be bullied. She's always been a straightforward child, without scheming or strategy, so you must take good care of her."