Chapter 170 What Is Xia Yunsheng_1

"Miss Meng has spoken. She seems to understand a lot about Mrs. Cheng and your matters, and since then, she has sided with her!"

"Meng Qingqing?" Cheng Yanzhi asked, "What could she know about Sheng and me?"

After all, Meng Qingqing was an outsider, how could she know about his relationship with Xia Yunsheng?

Deputy Officer Song repeated what Meng Qingqing had said, Cheng Yanzhi frowned and went downstairs with a stern face.

The moment Cheng Yanzhi appeared, everyone turned to look at him.

"Where's Sheng?" asked Mrs. Cheng.

"I asked her to rest, I can handle it," he replied.

"Why, feeling guilty?" Mrs. Cheng said, "She knows that her lies are about to be exposed and dare not come down?"

Cheng Yanzhi glared at his mother. "Lies? What lies?"

His coldness made Mrs. Cheng flinch.

Cheng Yanzhi disdainfully said, "Mother, do you think I can't speak up for my wife?"