Chapter 187 Her Spiritual Pillar_1

"I know. But, she didn't lie! Did she?" Just because Han Ningyan wanted her and Cheng Yanzhi to break up doesn't mean she should choose to forgive Cheng Yanzhi. These are two different things.

"What's past is past. You and Yanzhi even had a child." Even Ling Xiche had to admit, Cheng Yanzhi truly cared for her, he had lowered his pride drastically just for her.

Otherwise, in a situation like today, Cheng Yanzhi wouldn't need to call him out of concern.

"It's gone now." The child that had brought her and Cheng Yanzhi closer was no more.

Xia Yunsheng's heart was filled with nothing but disappointment.

She didn't think she could continue with a deceiver.

Perhaps, even the miscarriage of their baby was hinting at her to leave Cheng Yanzhi.

As Ling Xiche looked at her, he asked, "What's your plan then?"

Xia Yunsheng didn't answer his question, she just stood up and said, "I don't know, I'm tired."

She went upstairs to rest, without bothering about Ling Xiche's whereabouts.