Chapter 214: Do You Want to Come Back to My Side_1

After eating breakfast for a while, Mo Yuchen prepared to leave, "Sheng, will you be okay going back by yourself? I have some things to deal with, so I need to go."

"It's okay, you go ahead!" Xia Yunsheng smiled.

"Then I'll go, sorry darling, let's meet another day." Mo Yuchen smiled, copied the foreign etiquette, gave her a close-faced kiss, and then left.

Xia Yunsheng sat alone in this spot by the window, looking outside. It was cold and raining, with few pedestrians on the street. The whole world seemed very quiet.

She ate breakfast very slowly, very much enjoying the tranquility of this moment. Ignoring the entanglement with Cheng Yanzhi, she still loved this city.


A faint noise signaled the movement of the opposite chair. Cheng Yanzhi sat down in front of her.

She stared at him, wide-eyed, glanced around, and found that he was the only one there. "How are you here?"