Chapter 237 Old Man's Dignity_1

Xia Yunsheng took a deep breath, fully aware of the consequences of announcing her relationship with Cheng Yanzhi, "No need."

She didn't understand why becoming so angry when she saw him involved with other women.

Even though it was just gossip, it still felt like a thorn in her heart.


Xia Yunsheng, holding the rest of her documents, walked out of Cheng Yanzhi's room. Secretary Song saw her, "Minister Xia."

She looked at Secretary Song without responding, with a somber face.

The Secretary-General sighed: "Looks like Xia had a rough reprimand."

Secretary Song: "..."

His concern was not for Xia Yunsheng, but for Cheng Yanzhi.

Surely enough, upon returning to the office, he saw Cheng Yanzhi sitting there, clutching his forehead, looking pained.

He wanted Xia Yunsheng by his side again, but he didn't dare to be too eager, afraid of being too proactive and spoiling things.