Chapter 269 She has an Affair with the Secretary General_1

When lunchtime arrived, Xia Yunsheng went to the cafeteria on time, noticing that everyone's attitude towards her had become much friendlier.

Besides her outstanding performance at the meeting, part of the reason, of course, was due to what the Secretary-General did today.

"Minister Xia." As soon as Xia Yunsheng entered the cafeteria, the Secretary-General called her over, "Come sit here!"

"Thank you." Xia Yunsheng couldn't refuse and took a seat.

Everyone in the headquarters knew that the Secretary-General usually only listened to Cheng Yanzhi and only gave face to Cheng Yanzhi. Seeing him taking care of Xia Yunsheng like this, everyone was surprised.

Jian Xinyue and two female colleagues sat together. Seeing this scene, she said angrily, "What a whore! She just got in and already hooked up with the Secretary-General!"

"What can we do about it? She's pretty!"

Jian Xinyue frowned, "Pretty? I didn't see it. She can only seduce the likes of the Secretary-General!"