Chapter 279 Unique Punishment Method_1

Cheng Yanzhi stared at this petite woman, watching Xia Yunsheng reluctanly walked back.

For Yunsheng, who was used to compliances, this tactic worked flawlessly on her.

No matter how obstinate her temper, if he becomes serious, she'll listen.

Xia Yunsheng stood straight and upright in front of the desk, her gaze full of resentment.

Cheng Yanzhi stood up, walked to her and asked, "You're going to leave if I just ask one question? Is your temper really that big? It seems you'd go through the roof if not get scolded for three days."

"Then you can go ahead and scold me!" Xia Yunsheng challenged with a sense of injustice.

Cheng Yanzhi stepped forward, standing before her. He couldn't help laughing, "Are you sure that I wouldn't be tough on you? I might be reluctant to scold you, but I can discipline you in other ways."

"..." Xia Yunsheng knew what he meant. "is that the only way you can do it?"