Chapter 284: She Holds a Grudge_1

Ling Xiche's mother had passed away early. From the moment he was brought to the General Mansion, the old General treated him differently.

He was never hit or scolded but rather cherished like a treasure.

The household rules were always applied to Cheng Yanzhi, and the old General had never laid a hand on Ling Xiche.

Ling Xiche was obedient and rarely did anything to make the old General upset.

But now, the old General felt that he had not disciplined him enough!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let a woman toy with him so easily.

Seeing this, Han Fei'er ran over, kneeling on the ground, pleading to the old General, "Grandfather, don't punish Che! It's all my fault. It was me who chased after Che. I genuinely love him. You've watched me grow up over these many years, haven't you? Please, approve our relationship! I know you don't like me, but I promise that I will be obedient like Sheng is and I will never do anything that you disapprove of! I sincerely love Che."