chapter 1: dream big dreams

So I'm Haley, 18. And a few days ago I graduated and I am kind of sad I am going to miss it. I did have a few good memories. But I always had my head in a book, and earbuds blaring music in my head. But I have a job at two places, one of my jobs is through, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And my other one is the other days. But my two jobs are either at a shoe store or forever 21.

But I still live with my dad because I am still packing and I can't move into my apartment until the third of this month. And the month is--- August. So today is the first is today and I can't move in until Saturday. And I explained to both of my bosses and they were fine with it. But I still have my guitar, and every time I don't have anything to do. I practice that. And I have been writing more and more songs lately. But if I could ever get a chance. I think I would try to make a solo career. But right now I have to get up for my job at the shoe store. Just I hate Mondays.

So I got up and went over to my closet. I got out a pair of black dress pants, Mary Jane shoes, and a black formal top. But after I grabbed that I took a shower. Which took ten minutes, I dried my hair and put it in a braid, and I still wear glasses. But my left eye is still fucked up. So I can't see out of it. But that doesn't hold me back.

But I got done and I went over to my dresser to grab my purse keys and jacket. I think it was about six in the morning and I have to be at work by either eight or eight-thirty. But I try to be on time. But my dad was up and I told him, " hey dad I am gonna go so I love you and I will see you later. Please be careful at work. Don't get hurt. Love you." I said and gave him a hug. But he works for a fertilizer company. And he is a bruiser, he has so many scars. I just want to keep him in one piece. But I walked outside and it was a little chilly. But I walked over to my truck. And got in after I got everything organized.

So I will explain this. This truck is my mother's. It was passed down to me when I was fifteen because she passed away. It still hurts. But I do have some memories with her. But I backed out of the drive and started to head over to my work. So I sometimes work at two different shoe stores. One in Plymouth and one in Merrillville. But I have been working in Merrillville for a while but today I had to go to Plymouth. But another reason why I left early is that I do not eat breakfast often. And I am hungry so I went over to Walmart and they are surprisingly not packed. So what I mean is the Walmart parking lot will be jammed packed by seven.

So I have a friend that works here. And I usually talk to her. But she wasn't here today. But I grabbed a donut and a monster. I don't have them often so I will be okay. But I have a twelve-hour shift and one break. So I need a little energy. But I got to my work and I parked and grabbed my stuff. Once I walked in I saw one of my coworkers and the manager. So here's me thinking okay what happened?

So I walked in and he caught my attention. " Haley can you come over here for. Moment?" I did and said, " yes sir?" So he has this thing for respect and sometimes it gets out of hand. " Haley you don't have to be formal, call me Daren." Okay, I was a little bit shocked, but nodded and he continued, " chealse you can go to your station if you want. Haley, I have to talk to you." I felt a little nervous, " don't worry you're not in trouble." I felt a little relieved. " Haley I know you haven't been working here for a while, but I feel like I can trust you. And this is how much I trust you I can tell you that I am quitting, in a week."

I was shocked, he was in his late thirties. But still looked good for his age. But I was shocked, " oh, wow. Is there a reason though?" He nodded, " yes. I am starting to get tired of being in a small town. And well I am getting tired of this job. But I want you to take over as manager." I was shocked even more. I spoke, " what? Are you sure?" He nodded, " yes, you are a hard worker and you are loyal. And I think you would do great. So what do you say?" I smiled and said, " okay. That would be good. Thank you." But he shook my hand and went out the back but I put my stuff in my locker. And went back to the front and things went by pretty fast.

But a few hours later we closed early. And I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and before I started to head back home I called my grama. And I asked her if she needed anything on the way home. She said only milk, and I had an idea, I asked her if she wanted pizza. She thought for a moment and then agreed. so I headed over to little ceasers and got two pizzas. But after I got that I got the milk from dollar general. Then headed home.

Half an hour later

So about a half an hour later I finally got home and I brought in the pizza and milk. And I was mauled by three fuzzy animals, Buster, daisy, and ghost. So my grandma has two dogs and I have one cat. Which is a ghost. She has grown a lot. But I set the pizza down and put the milk in the fridge. And I had to act like I was tired, but my grandma called, " Haley can you come in here, please. Your dad and I want to talk to you." I did and I sat down on the couch, and Buster hopped up. And I said hello.

So my grandma said, " so before we start with the talking how was your day?" I had to keep calm, but I just had a smile on my face. My dad walked into the living room and said, " someone is smiley what did you do?" I laughed and said, " well I am now manager at the shoe store in Plymouth." They looked at me shocked. And dad said, "congrats Haley. And your grandma and I have good news too." I looked at them like what did he do? " okay what did dad do?" They laughed and my cat ghost jumped up on the couch and we got her declawed in 17. But now she is just this big puff of fur.

My dad said, " well we know that it is past your birthday and we'll think of this as a very early Christmas present." I was curious, but my dad got up and I think went to the kitchen. But I was talking to the gram, " okay so how was today. They didn't give you problems did they?" I meant to the crazies. She said, " no they were being just normal." My dad came back in with an envelope almost as big as the buster's head. And he gave it to me. " okay nothing is going to jump out at me right?" He nodded yes.

So I and his try to be annoying to each other but we do it out of love. I opened it and it was a few papers. But I sort through them and what I saw was, a plane ticket to California, apartment housing recites and a moving bill already paid. So here's me thinking what the hell does this mean, " okay what does this mean?" He smiled and said, " some and your grandma, have been saving up and well we know how much you want to have a music career. And well you can pursue your dream now." I was shocked, they knew how much I wanted to go there. But this is just, I just burst into tears. And gave me dad and grandma a hug.

I said, " thank you guys so much. This is amazing." I smiled and they crushed me with another hug. But we talked and watched a movie most of the night but I still had a few things to pack. Just another thing how was I going to get my car to California?