chapter 10: everywhere i go you seem to follow

I woke up on a couch and I saw a few people surrounding me and then I got my vision back. Both of my vision in both eyes. I was diagnosed with crohn's disease when I was younger and I finally got it back. I heard someone question me, " Haley, Haley, wake up." I looked over and saw Juliet and on my other side I saw inna. I blinked a few times and they Juliet asked, " Haley you okay? You blacked out." I looked over and I saw through both of my eyes. I said, "yes. I am great actually." They looked at me like what. " I finally got it back. I am so happy."

They were confused and I said, " I got my vision back in my left eye." They looked at me shocked. " I haven't seen out of that eye in six years. This is fucking awesome." They gave me a hug and said, " well good for you. But are you okay you took a nasty fall." I nodded and they said, " okay well please don't scare us again."

I nodded, " okay. I won't. I promise." She then said, " okay well before you blacked out we wanted you to meet someone." I got up and she said, " so follow us on an adventure." I laughed and they dragged me lightly and over to two people. " Haley meet ben. Ben meet Haley." I said, " hi." He said, " hello." I smiled and Juliet said, " so when do you guys play tonight?" He said, " I think? What time is it?" I pulled out my phone and said, " seven forty." He replied, " okay then we play at eight thirty."

I then excused myself and said, " I will be right back I am going to go outside." They both nodded and continued to talk. I found an exit door to the outside. And thank goodness I was wearing skinny jeans it was a little cold out but I sat down on the ground and got out my phone I started to look through instagram and I saw that some of the bands were on tour in the u.k. And here's me thinking, lucky.

But I heard a door open and someone called my name which scared the shit out of me. " shit. Oh. Sorry you scared me." I got up and saw jinxx. I heard him apologize, " sorry Haley. Just making sure you are okay." I smiled a little and said, " thanks. So what brings you out here besides making sure I still have my head." He laughed a little. " I know that me and the guys met you a few days ago but if you ever need someone to talk to let one of us know and you can talk. If you want."

I smiled and said, " thank you." He said, " your welcome but don't be shy around us. We are just your crazy average people." I laughed and he asked, " wanna go inside?" I nodded yes. And we both went in and I heard Danny say, " okay so we have to play a show so to the stage my friends." We walked over to the stage and they were about to go on when I heard someone say something. But I didn't listen. I just found myself lost in the music. I didn't realize I was slightly singing but I told you I was lost in the music.

I then started to think I had creative ideas so I got out my phone and went to my google docs and started typing new lyrics. If I have creative ideas and I don't write them down I will forget it. But I almost typed for half the set. And I heard someone ask, " whatcha typing?" I looked over to see, Andy and I replied, " a new song. Well lyrics actually." He said, " may I see?" I nodded and showed him my phone.

I saw him study the screen and then he said, " this is really good Haley. Have you ever thought of showing it to the world?" I sighed and said, " yes, but I don't have what it takes. So I just keep them to myself." He said, " Haley don't give up. It won't hurt to try. And besides you never know what you fate is until you find it."

I hate it when he is right. But I will think about it. So I told him, " maybe. I don't know. I will think about it." He smiled and damnit. But asking Alexandria played amazing. I believe this was the second time I have ever been to an asking concert. And it is totally worth it.

So they finished their set and it was really good. But we talked a little while then I headed home and I had a lot of fun tonight. But I was super fuckinng tired. But I got into pajamas and went to bed. But thank goodness it was Thursday. Tomorrow we didn't have work since the mall was closed. But that means we get an off day.

So I woke up in the middle of the night waking up from a nightmare. " it is real. Not just a dream." I got up and went to grab a glass of water and a small snack. I have munchies in the middle of the night I get it from my mom. But I went over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass of water. And when I turned around I saw my mom, I was shocked and the glass slipped out of my hand shattering into a million pieces, I walked over them and went over to my mom.

I couldn't believe it, " mom?" She gave me a hug. And it felt so real. I cried and she spoke, " Haley, please make your music and give it to the world. I want you to live your dream. And not let anything hold you back." I cried, " mom I just want to make you proud. Okay." She said, " ha,why you have already made me proud. Just know that I will always love you." Then she just slipped away from my arms, I fell to the ground just continuing to shed tears. I knew my life was hell. But I wouldn't let another promise go. I want to make my mom proud.