ch.22: i cant take it

So it is the fourth week of tour and I am a total mess. I have been getting lack of sleep, I have a migraine which is almost a week now. And well I am falling apart. But we have got to Chicago and I am super stoked about it. But I got a weird text from this 815 number and I have a weird feeling I know who it was from. But the text said, " hey Haley. Hope you are doing okay I heard black veil brides is playing tonight, just wondering if you knew where the Riviera theater is? Just let me know thanks."

So I have a weird feeling that I know who that is. But we will see what happens and well we got sound check in a hour. But I do remember, that there was this tattoo shop near the venue so I remember this when I went to see motionless in white in concert with my dad. And I still remember this and I had a massive head ache and I froze my ass off. But it was totally worth it.

But I asked violet for after sound check if she would go with me to get my septum and spider bites. She said yes. But of course after sound check. And I am super happy about it. But I did know what I wanted my set list to be tonight.

Set list:

Demons awake

Torn apart

Broken away


Picture perfect by escape the fate.

And well I got changed into my red heels and a red dress. And I got my dress and most of my clothes from hot topic but that was going to be my outfit for tonight. But for now I was wearing my resurrection tour shirt and my black skinny jeans. But I texted violet, and I didn't know where she was and she texted she was outside in the front so I went over and I saw her and she said, " you ready to do this?" I smiled and said, " no."

She laughed and we walked over there. And it was only a five minute walk. But we got there and violet walked in first and I did behind her, but we got to the I would think front desk and I asked, " hi. I was wondering if I could get a septum piercing and spider bites?" He looks do his computer and then said, " okay what's your name?" I replied, "" He nodded and said. " okay well follow me. " we followed him to the back and it was pretty nice in here. And I will admit I was a little nervous. But I wanted to go through with it.

And he said, " okay for the spider bites which side do you want it?" I was going to do my left bottom lip and I was going to do a black ring. But he was super nice. But he walked me through what he was going to do and we did the septum first. And I just closed my eyes. And well I shed a tear. Just one though. And the same with the spider bites. But he did good and it didn't hurt. Which I think I have more of a pain tolerance.

But he gave me a mirror. And I looked at it and it looked cute so I said, " I love it. Thank you." He smiled and said, " you're welcome. And also do you know who is playing at the theater tonight?" He said motioning to the Riviera. And I replied happily, " yes, Juliet Simms, black veil brides and asking Alexandria." I saw a small grin appear to his face and we walked back to the front and it was thirty which seemed like it wasn't bad. But I thanked him and we walked out.

But we walked out and back over to the venue and I saw a bunch of people already lining up. And I told violet, " let's go through the back." She nodded in agreement. And we went through the back which lead us to back stage and the good thing is that tomorrow was Saturday so we get a day off. And I was super happy and I wanted to take violet to sprinkles. Which has the best cupcakes.

But we made our way backstage and I saw that a few of asking and brides were huddled together. And I tried to sneak around them with violet, and I wanted to do something funny. But I wanted to scare the crap out of them. Because I wanted to see what they would do. But ash said, " hey Haley. Violet. How's it hanging," I laughed and looked down and said, " good."

And I think violet got the message, and we'll Jake asked, " why you have your head down girly?" And I felt a small smirk appear to my face and I think violets too, but I replied, " no reason." I laughed a little and someone walked over to me and said, " Haley what did you do?" I shot my head up, and replied, " since when do I do anything?" I had a sassy remark in there. And they looked at me with a few smiles and I saw ash and he said, " so you really can't say you didn't do anything when you clearly did." He said pointing to my lip.

I smiled and said, " okay and?" Me and violet started to crack up. " it looks nice when did you get it?" I think it was Sam that asked, " I got it done just a minute ago." I saw their mouths dropped open and I just laughed, " what. I have always wanted to do this so, I finally got it." Well I knew what they were probably thinking but meh I really didn't care. But I said, " I am gonna go get ready so good luck tonight guys."

Then me and violet walked away. And I had my offutt in a bag already so all I had to do was grab the bag and my makeup bag. But I then went to the bathroom, and I got changed into my red dress and I do not wear dresses often. But sometimes I will. But I put my sandals on and I knew my feet were going to hurt like hell. But it was totally worth it. But I went over to the mirror and grabbed my eyeliner and put that on my bottom and top water line. But I had to blink a few times since I am not used to it still. But other than that it looked pretty good.

But I got that done and walked over to violet, and she was wearing skinny jeans and a Black Sabbath shirt I smiled and said, " I like your shirt." She replied, " thanks and I love your shoes." So we do both have this inner girly side to us. But we walked over to the backstage area, and I grabbed my black guitar, and I did change the strap a few weeks ago to a red one. But it was a lot more sturdy. But I started to practice. And I thought about tonight and I will admit I will be surprised if it is her.

So it was almost time and there were a few people that came to the back but not a lot. But I was minding my own business and then I heard that one voice, I was dreading this day. And I turn to see the one person and if she makes any rude or bad comments, it will be the death of me. But I turned to see my ex friend, Alexis. Me and her used to go to Chesterton or duneland schools together then she moved to Illinois, and I stayed in Indiana and then I moved in with my dad. And I think you get the point.

But I saw her and she was skinny, but like a normal skinny, not a pretzel thin. But I saw her run up to me and give me a hug. And she said, " Haley hi. I missed you so much." She pulled back and girl she was wearing to much makeup. But I said lying through my teeth, " hi lex. It is good to see you." She smiled and said, " so we have so much to catch up on. Are you here for the concert?" Then I heard someone call my name, " hey Haley. Come here for a moment?" I told her, " I will be right back." She nodded and I walked over to ash, Jake and jinxx.

I said, "thank you." They looked at me confused, " okay then. Who is she?" I sighed and replied, " that is Alexis, a old ex friend of mine." They looked at me confused, " we were friends since we were born. She is a year older than me but she is ruthless. And beware if she says anything." They nodded and I excused myself, " I am gonna go back. But see you guys later."

I went back over and she had a small grin on her face. She then asked, " they are kind of cute who are they?" I rolled my eyes and said, " well the outlaw is ash, then Jake is in the middle and jinxx on the right. And Jake and jinxx are both married." She then had a light bulb pop in her head. " yes they are from black veil brides." When I said that her mouth dropped. " you know ash Jake and jinxx from black veil. You lucky bitch." I laughed and said, " yeah I met cc and ash on the sunset strip in la. And they were really cool. But what's up?" She looked at me for a short while.

And I said, " is there something on my face?" She then said, " that's cool when did you get those?" She said referring to my piercings. I smiled and said, " this morning." I laughed when her mouth dropped. But I said, " that was the same reaction I got from brides and Ben and Sam."

She looked at me curious and I said, " asking alexandria, but hey are you staying for the show?" She smiled and said, " definitely. But what have you been up to lately?" I replied, "well I have been doing good. I moved out to Los Angeles, California. I got two tattoos met black veil, asking, and motionless, Juliet, scarlet riot. And a few others but I can't remember. But right now I think is going really well. But yeah." She looked at me like the fuck.

It was funny to see her reaction, " is there anything else ms. Popular?" I laughed and said, " well I think I should let you figure this one out tonight. Well I have to go grab something but I think the concert is about to start so I suggest you go get a spot. And lex it was good to see you again." I smiled and walked over to violet. And she asked, " hey what's up? You ready for tonight?" I smiled and said, " yeah. And I met a old friend of mine." She looked at me curious then I heard one of the guys I didn't know who. But they said, " hey guys twenty till." I then said, " well I better go practice see you later vi." I went over to grab my black guitar. And I just let my fingers do the talking.

okay really quick, sprinkles is a real place, and is the most wonderful place, it has the most fantastic cupcakes, and a cupcake ATM. the first time i saw it i wanted to taek it back to my home. but if you are ever in down town, Chicago Illinois. i suggest you go there and star Siam that is a really good Tia food place.