chapter 24: old stomping grounds

Next day

So it was the next morning and I texted lex to see if she was up and she said yes. And she didn't have work today. But I texted her to meet us there. And I knew that we would have to leave early. But I think it would be okay. But I got dressed into a pair of dress pants, and a purple top. And it was freezing out so I wore my jacket. And I woke up violet and I heard this like demonic growl and I had one trick up my sleeve I still had immaculate misconception still as my ringtone. So I told Alexis to call me really quick. And she did I put the phone by her ear and all you heard was the song blaring.

I saw her head shot up and I thought to myself run. And I just hid behind the other side of the car. But she found me and started to tickle me to death. I tapped out. And she said, " don't wake me up like that." I laughed and said, " we are going to get cupcakes today." She replied, " you should've just said that." I laughed and she was already in a different offutt. But we walked over and I grabbed a taxi. And it took us about fifteen minutes and it was not quiet.

But we were having a conversation and she was super nice. But we got to the place and I payed, but we walked out and I texted lex and she said, she was already there. And we walked in and she flagged us down. I spoke, " hey lex." She waved hi, and asked, " do you still want a coffee or tea?" I told her, " coffee. It is really good. What would you like violet, it's my treat." She smiled and said, " you sure I could -" I cut her off saying, " violet no. You have helped me out by being my friend, manager, and a really kick ass female drummer. So this is me saying thank you even though I will say it a million times." I saw lex fake cry and I gave her a hug and this one girl came over and we got our usual and the coffee.

But we are and I tried to ask violet how the food was she just growled and I asked lex, " so Alexis how is life and everything?" She said, " good. I work at a fashion designer here in Chicago. And well I have a side job to and that is at a law firm. I only work if they need me though. But I have worked two cases and won." I was happy for her. " that is good to hear congrats." She then asked, " so what is happening in your life little miss rocker." I laughed and I saw violet just munching. But I replied, and explained to her what happened and all I saw was her eyes wide and mouth dropped.

I laughed and said, " will yeah and for now I am on tour with Juliet, brides, and asking. But for now it is going good." She smiled and I payed and we sat for a moment then went back to the outside, I saw it was cloudy out and I smiled, " I am so glad it is cloudy out." They laughed and violet said, " okay easy vamp." I laughed and the place wasn't far but I didn't want to freeze my ass off.

So I hailed a taxi and it took us there and we got out and violet saw the cupcake ATM. And she was so amused by it she squealed and me, her and lex walked in and I saw they had there s'mores cupcake back so I was going to get one of those, and whatever lex and vi wanted. So wwe got in line and they asked and so I got a s'mores, and lemon, lex got a s'mores and red velvet, and vi, snores and oreo. I smiled and I told violet, " girly once you taste this cupcake you will only want this kind."

She laughed and she tasted it. And all we saw was her face just go cross eyed. I laughed and I got a text from Juliet, and it said, " hey Haley. Can you and violet comeback to the venue for a moment. It is important." I was a little curious. But I said, " hey guys I think we should head back. Juliet said that something happened." They nodded and I walked ahead, and I felt a pair of eyes in the back of my head. But meh I ignored them.

But after a few blocks we were frozen and I hailed a taxi and we waddled into the back seat, I told the driver, " the Riviera theater please." So I tried to warm up and the heat was on blast. So we warmed up quick. And I was lost in thought so I didn't know how long it took to get there. But I felt someone tap my shoulder nod I saw we were there and apparently Alexis payed, but we got out of the car and I saw this big rv. So I was there another band joking the tour?

But Alexis and violet caught up to me. And they stopped me and vi said, " wait put this on." She gave me a black bandana. And I didn't argue and I was to frozen, and I said, " I am so cold. Well actually freezing." I started to think then spoke again, " you start singing let it go I will kill you with unicorns." There was this dead silence and I felt myself to start moving, and I looked down.

And soon we were in the venue. And I heard movement. And then I heard this one sweet voice and then it was followed by another. " hey Haley." I asked, " why do I hear this sweet voice and I think I know who it is?" I heard snickering, and I then heard another voice, " well if violet will let you take off the bandana, I think you will know."

I felt the blindfold come off, and I looked to see remington, Emerson, and Sebastian. I almost died, I just squealed and they laughed, " holy shit. How?" I asked violet and Alexis. Then I saw asking and black veil walk over to me and they said, " well Alexis here said you are a big fan, and I knew that they were on tour but were close. And well I asked for a small favor, and well here we are." I almost died of smiling.

And I barely smile. But I just said, " okay one, moment. Please do not judge my awkwardness." I just started to jump up and down. Then said, " okay I am good now. Just had to get that out." They laugh a little and they came down. And I just looked down. But violet looked over to lex and nodded, " Haley, do not make me get the duck tape to keep you from putting your head down." I perked up my head and I gave her a death glare. And then there was this awkward silence.

I then heard violet say, " so I a, gonna go but bye for now." She left. And I had a weird feeling that she was going to eat the other cupcake. So I yelled to her, " violet try not to get a sugar rush from the cupcake." I laughed and looked back, " we went out to sprinkles cupcakes. And she doesn't handle sugar well. So in about a half hour she will be bouncing off the walls." They snickered a little but I did have one tiny question.

So I did ask, " can I ask you something?" They nodded sure, " okay now that some left why did you come all the way out here, no offense?" They looked down and Emerson said, " well Andy explained to us what was going on in your life, and well we also heard you are a big fan so we wanted to do something nice. And I just want to say, Haley I am so sorry." I looked down and wiped away a tear. I just wanted my mom back. I know we have had our fights but I love her to death.

And I always will forever. But I think it was remington that asked, " Haley why are you putting your head down?" I looked up and my eyes were slightly puffy. And they just gave me a big hug and I squeaked out a little. " Haley don't cry. You cry and that will make me sad. And then I will want to cry." I smiled a little and I heard Sebastian speak, " I think we have a smile out of her?"

I looked down, and I think it was Emerson that said, " don't make me get Alexis with the duct tape?" I snickered a little. But said, " no it is fine. Just a little tired but I will manage." Then there was this silence again. And I don't know why but I mumbled, " I wish she could come back." I shed a tear. And quickly wiped it away. And I said. " sorry about this but I am gonna go but it was nice to meet you guys." I walked off and to the girls bathroom. And I just looked in the mirror and all I saw was this fake, this skeleton of lies.

I mumbled, " I am a lie. I am fake. I shouldn't be here. I am just worthless." I then sadly remembered I had one last one left. And I kept it in my wallet. But I got it out and grabbed it, I was wearing a jacket and I took my jacket off. And I saw flashbacks of my freshman year of highschool. I remembered, everything that happened and i took a long look at the scars and then i jumped like three feet high when i heard the door open i look over to see violet, and remmy. I just ignored it and i saw violet look at me. And i just grabbed my jacket and walked out. I needed to go for a walk. And i went to my car and grabbed my guitar and a pick. I started to walk then i hailed a taxi and i told him to please take me to michigan street please.

It wasn' far and i didn't care but i payed and got out. And i just started to walk then i had to find my roots. So i found a spot and just started to practice a little then i started to play the notes for help by papa roach. He is another favorite artist of mine. But i started to sing and i had to let myself go.

I just needed to float away. And fly to a new world. But i finished and i saw people clapping and i smiled and thanked them. But the next one i did was i won't break by escape the fate. But this helped a lot and to be honest i felt better. And i felt my thoughts clear away.