Ch 17

In the dining hall, Mrs Aoki, Mr Aoki and Akane are having dinner when Akane noticed her parents want to speak something but are hesitating.

"Mother, father why do you look like that?" Akane asked with her 'limited' vocabulary as a kid.

Mrs Aoki spoke "No. Nothing dear, w..we were just wondering if you like to meet a doctor"

"Why, I'm perfectly healthy, right?"

"No, dear. It's not that, we just want to have a standard check up"

"Is it about my quirk?" Akane asked.

"Yes, it should manifest by now generally. But don't worry, even if it didn't, we will do something so that you will have a quirk." Mr Aoki told, while inside of his head,many plans were already being created. He knows how society treats quirkless. He is just scared that he will kill anyone that will bully his daughter if she didn't have a quirk.

"Mother, father. You don't have to worry. I think I already have a quirk"

Many thoughts ran through Mr and Mrs Aoki. Mr Aoki thought that her quirk is related to intelligence, he observed that she is much more mature compared to kids of the same age. Mrs Aoki felt relieved, she didn't mind even if Akane is quirkless, she would use her resources to give her a quirk somehow, being the most influential and powerful family, getting a quirk for her daughter is possible. Realistically, having a quirk is having a guarantee of safety.

{A.N: Don't ask me how, I think it is possible to get quirks even if you are quirkless if you have good connections, powerful and filthy rich family}

"Is it your IQ?" Me Aoki asked with his analysis.

"No, but it is some energy. I could feel it in me for a few days, with it I can feel stronger, smarter and faster. I think I can project it outside but I'm waiting for it to happen"

"Oh, that's amazing!!!" Mrs Aoki is elated, she hugged her up.

"Can you show me how strong you are now, Akane" Mr Aoki asked, he is curious. Her description of quirk meant she have that energy ever since she is born, otherwise, he can't think of any other reason for his daughter to be so abnormally intelligent from other kids, not that he mind.

"Hmm, I can lift the dining table"

"W..wait, really," Mr Aoki asked in surprise as he saw the long and fancy dining table. It took 10 men to place it here.

Akane lifted the whole table in front of their eyes. This is not even a fraction of her sealed power. Both of the parents threw a party that night going to a fancy restaurant.

It is just her raw strength but Akane decided that officially, her Lightforce enhances her and she can create objects with it.

The true power of light force energy is however different. She can form solid constructs with the light force, these constructs are strong enough to cut through steel with no effort. When the constructs touch a living being, Akane can absorb their life force killing them or shortening their lifespan. And she can even see and manipulate others' hopes with her Lightforce.

After a few days, she showed them her 'first' creation with light force.

The family went to the government quirk register office. Due to them being the most powerful family in Japan as soon as they entered, they were given special treatment.

The doctor who is there at the registry asked Akane some questions about her quirk,

"I can keep the light constructs active with my mind"

"Can you create one in front of me now?" The doctor asked curiously.

A light dagger formed in Akane's hand.

"Can't you create in the air?" the doctor asked while he observed the light dagger.

"No, they only appear from my skin"

"I see, and is there anything else it will do?" He asked this knowing he is talking to a 4-year-old yet she can hold conversations which are not child like. He concluded that energy can be more than just create.

"Yes, I feel stronger and smarter with light force"


"It's the name of the energy I have since it is light, you know"

"I see, so an emitter energy type quirk that can also enhance the user. Very well, you can wait outside with your mother, little miss."

The doctor observed the light dagger in his hand vanished.

After Akane left with her mother, the doctor spoke with Mr Aoki.

"Mr Aoki, you should be careful. Your daughter's quirk potential is extremely high. Certain villains will try to get get her hands on her"

"Whom are you exactly referring to?" Mr Aoki asked seriously. Even though he is aware that his daughter's quirk is extremely strong, her enhancement with the energy is strong but the ability to shape the energy into solid objects will make it extremely strong.

"I can't tell and I don't know but I found cases, people with extremely strong quirks. They went missing and were found with their quirks being taken away from them. Generally, this news will be controlled to not let the public know it, I think you understand where I'm going. Generally, I don't speak about this but knowing you, I think I must warn you, as you have many enemies "

Mr Aoki nodded and thanked the doctor for the warning. After that, the family returned home.

"Akane, don't tell anyone about your super strength until you grow up okay. When someone asked about your quirk, just show your light creations. Okay?"

"Is it dangerous father?" Akane asked, she came to like this new family. She expected them to be cruel at some point but she read their thoughts when the quirks topic came out first. Both of her new parents decided to use their power to get her quirk if she doesn't have a quirk, instead of feeling bad for her, which made her like them even more.

"Yes," Mr Aoki replied with one word. He knows his daughter is intelligent enough to grasp the danger.



For the next few years, Akane began her research while acing the subjects in her school. She didn't make friends in school as she found the kids too annoying but other kids saw her as the cool girl of the class due to her charisma and talents.

She placed a barrier in one of the unused rooms in the huge mansion. She placed conditions such that anyone but her will ignore the room's existence. She enchanted the barrier with infinity.

During these years, she created 10 clones that will learn every ounce of knowledge available in this world. It took her only 3 years to master and learn all the knowledge this world has to offer. She has to give the credits to Ant-king's brain and six eyes power, finally, the power of thought acceleration mage craft to learn it all in such a short period, she hacked into every system with her powers making it easy for her to gain even forbidden knowledge. She even created well-developed technology that transcends this world's technology. Today is the day when she created an A.I that is sentient and of course, she is in full control of the A.I. She used the Construction cursed technique to create tools and raw materials needed for experiments in every field. She enchanted the room with her 'limitless' on the lab room with ether nano(fairy tail's magic source) as she was able to grasp the concept of enchanting from the show when Irene had demonstrated it. Thus, she have unlimited funds, time and resources. 

"Now then, it should work"

In front of Akane stood a handsome male with blonde hair and blue eyes, he stood 6 ft tall in butler clothes. Anyone would think he is human but it is actually a robot with sentiment A.I., however, nothing about him looks or feels robotic.

Akane used her technomancy powers to activate the power source that produces nigh-infinite energy for the 'butler' to 'live'.

The butler's eyes gained a light shade like humans and when his eyes scanned Akane who is just 4 feet tall, he immediately bowed and greeted her. 

{A.N: It took me some time to decide between Frankenstein and the Sebastian}

"Greetings, Master"

" Welcome to the world, Frankenstein"

Akane replied with an excited expression. He looks and acts exactly like a human.

"Frankenstein, take full power of my attack "

He did as his master commanded. Akane sent a 'rage blast'(youpi's ability) through her hand, it has enough power to destroy a street.

When the attack hit Sebastian, he managed to absorb all the kinetic energy while storing it inside his 'cells' but due to the sheer power, his hand got obliterated into broken particles , but the next second, the obliterated particles flew towards Frankenstein's hand and formed his hand back, it looked like perfectly normal human hand. The butlers clothes that were torn apart formed themselves again. He looked as if he didn't take a grenade to his face. 

"Umu, that's my creation! Frankenstein, I created an identity for you, kill the guardian that is secretly protecting me and join as my new guardian and butler. Is that clear?"

Frankenstein kneeled on one knee and kissed Akane's hand and replied with a charismatic smile.

"Yes, master"

'Damn, he is killing it. I can even tell what he is feeling with technomancy powers. His loyalty towards me is 1000℅'

With that, Akane teleported Frankenstein outside of her lab. The whole purpose of his existence is to serve her, he can hack into any device in this world except the tech made by Akane, since his processor can't compute the logic behind her systems even with it's most advanced parts.

"Now, I should focus on developing compound V. It seems Almight's sidekick has made a break through and I can create trigger myself. Hmm, I can see what happens if I combine compound V with trigger and quirk amplifier...."

{A.N: In case you forgot, 'trigger' is a drug that boosts the power of quirks with the price of sanity. It is used by Overhaul's group}

With that thought in mind, Akane began experimenting on compound V.