When Mia came back, her mood wasn't good.We figured she wasn’t alright but she told us to wait till she talked to her family first.

"Hello Dad, did you recently get a construction deal?" Mia asked as she held her phone tightly.

" Hello dear, Yes we got that construction deal from a bid in relevancy and good report" Mia dad answered.

" Was there any construction group called The Skywards present at the time?" Mia asked again.

"Yes, due to their mistake in calculating the numbers, they made a huge mistake by presenting a report with an exceeded budget meanwhile the actual budget wasn't supposed to be like that. If it wasn't for that simple mistake, they would have gotten the deal because their layout plan and report was the best. it was such a pity" Mia's dad expressed his thoughts.

" So the whole thing had nothing to do us right?" Mia questioned again but this time it made her father puzzled.

"of course it had nothing to do with our company. Why is something wrong?" Mia's dad asked with concern.

" No, everything is good here. I just heard that the wife of the skywards CEO suffered a heart attack and died after they lost the deal" Mia answered.

" Yes I heard that too, I really pity them and since it's a national project, there is nothing I can do about it but just accept it." Mia's dad added.

" Okay I get it now. bye and take care of yourself"Mia said to her father before ending the call.

"Is everything alright?" Lea asked with concern.

"It was Lydia," Mia said while looking at us with sadness.

"What did she do this time?" I asked.

" She was the one who sent me the message earlier today," Mia answered.

" What happened when the two of you met, did she bully you?" Asked Vicky.

" No she didn't do that, She told me to wait for her revenge, she was going to make me pay for everything she lost. At first I thought she was talking about Ben but it turned out she wasn't referring to him" Said Mia.

" So who was she referring to?" Rica asked, a little bit confused.

" Her mom," Mia answered while trying to hold back her tears.

"Her mom?, but what does her mother have to do with you?" I asked , quite confused.

" Due to a miscalculation by their company, they lost the national construction deal which was later handed over to my father's company. but the thing is, after they lost the deal her mother got a heart attack and died shortly after that and now Lydia is blaming my family for it." Mia said as she burst into tears.

" But do you think she knows that your company didn't snatch the deal from them but they lost it from their own fault" Lea asked.

" I don't think so," Mia said in between sobs.

" I don't think this problem is quite simple. Think about it,Although we will all agree that Lydia is a little bit annoying, she won't stoop to that method of using her mother's death to cause trouble for you, let alone accuse your family with it. I think we need to look through this very well" I commented.

" Yes, even though she is annoying, she has a good heart. But what made her think that your family is responsible for it?" Vicky asked.

" I also don't know why," Mia replied.

"Then I think that's where the problem is. If we are able to find out why she is blaming you, then we will find the answers" Vicky added.

" I also think so" Lea also said

" Did she tell you the person that told her that lie?" Rica asked.

"No she didn't" Mia answered.

" Don't worry, we are in this with you. now don't think about that just go to sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow." I added.

That evening, Lydia asked Ben to have a drink with her. At first he had wanted to reject her but due to her sorry state he agreed to go out with her. Lydia invited him to a hotel outside the campus. He went there not knowing what was about to happen later on.

After drinking the first cup, Ben started to feel dizzy and later on he passed out.

The next day, pictures of Lydia and Ben in bed circulated on the school's forum. As the students didn't know about Ben's relationship with Mia and had been shipping him with Lydia, Many people supported and congratulated the two.

Three hours after the initial post, It was around eight in the morning. While scrolling through the school forum, Rica stumbled on the post. At first she decided to ignore it but after seeing the people in the picture her hands began to tremble . She then checked Mia's place but she was still asleep so she called us to look at the post. After we saw it we also began to worry about Mia but we couldn't get what was going on and so we talked between us and decided to hide it from Mia but Mia heard all that we said and took out her phone to check without our idea.

We all turned in fright after we heard the sound of Mia's phone falling and crashing on the floor. She found out about what we were trying our best to hide the moment she woke up. Mia sat there in a daze without talking and after a few minutes she stood up and went to the washroom.

The moment she entered the washroom, I took out my phone and gave Ben a call. When he picked the call up, I realized he was still sleeping so I asked him where he was but after looking at his surroundings he let out a curse. He then complained he was having a severe headache. I asked who he was with the night before and he told me Lydia asked him out for a drink but the rest he couldn't remember. I then told him to check the school forum.

Roughly about five minutes later, Mia's phone started to ring. Just then Mia came out of the washroom and after she checked the caller ID she just placed the phone aside and went on to dress. The phone kept on ringing for a long time but she just ignored it.

Later on she went out without taking the phone along or talking to anyone in the room.