Graduation And Birthday

Finally it was our graduation ceremony. After four good years of studying in my dream school AMDA, The day has finally come for me to leave. Through this four year journey I also met four amazing friends who are now more like sisters to me.

" I will miss our life in college, especially our favorite coffee," Lea said emotionally as we all agreed with her.

" But I don't regret anything throughout these four years, and am also very lucky to have met all of you" I also added with a lot of mixed emotions.

" Yeah thinking back, Am really grateful to myself for deciding to approach you guys" Lea added.

" And we are very lucky you did so. I learnt a lot and also grew up staying with you guys" said Mia .

" Actually you've all said what was on my mind but as we decided to be together for more years to come, I hope we really work hard and live our lives to the fullest" Rica said as we all came together for a hug.

" Also I almost forgot, Mark and Teddy are going to pick us up tonight for a celebration." Vicky added with excitement.

" Why didn't you inform us earlier, I would have prepared our clothes earlier. luckily there's still time, why don't we go to one of my family's brand companies and choose some clothes" Lea said happily as we all agreed.

" Then I will let Ben join us for the celebration tonight" Mia said as we agreed and Vicky informed Teddy about it.

Actually as I said earlier, all of us were from a wealthy family but Mia was the richest as she had a company under her name.

My family deals in the shipping industry and as previously said, Mia's family dealt with technology and construction. Rica's family dealt with real estate development, Vicky's family were mainly in the business field as they owned 45%of the total malls in America. Lastly, Lea's family owned various clothing brands.

That afternoon after we returned from Lea's company, we all lay on our beds to get some rest. After a while, we got ready and waited for their arrival.

When they finally arrived, there were three cars parked outside. As Rica and Vicky already knew their boyfriend's cars, they quickly jumped into it and sped off leaving the three of us standing there.

At first I thought the third one was waiting for someone else at the dormitory building so I didn't pay any attention to it.

After sometime, Ben came over with his car and picked both Mia and Lea up but when I was about to enter the car, Mia told me that my car was the one parked so I should use that one as she pointed to the third car.

I was a little bit confused at first but the confusion cleared when I heard my name from behind after Mia and Ben left.

When I turned around to see who called out my name, I almost freaked out at first until I realized it was Lyons. He was wearing a mask and dark sunglasses. On top of that, he also had a baseball cap on.

I followed him to the car and sped out of the campus. This was particularly the first time I was alone with Lyons after the incident four years ago. It actually felt good being alone with him but I wouldn't want him to see how happy I was.

Soon we arrived at the underground parking lot of a five star hotel. After we got down from Lyons' car, I saw the other cars already parked inside. We took the back entrance of the hotel to the private room.

When we entered the room, the lights were already off. Lyons then carefully led me to the center of the room. At this moment I kept asking him what was that all about when I heard a loud happy birthday as the lights came back on.

Yes, today is my birthday and I totally forgot about it as I've been busy preparing for my graduation. I am now twenty two years old.

I scanned my eyes across my friends who stood there and looked at me with excitement in their eyes. I was very happy that I thought even words couldn't describe how happy I was that evening.

" When did you guys plan all this?" I asked as I became very emotional.

" Actually all the credit goes to Lyons. He was the one who planned all this. we didn't even get to contribute with anything" Rica said pretending to be disappointed.

" Then why didn't you guys tell me when you got to know about it" I asked again like a child.

" How would it remain a surprise if we had told you?" Mia asked, making me realize I asked a silly question before I turned to look at Lyons.

He stood there with a radiant smile as I stared at him with a lot of happiness. After that he came forward and wished me a happy birthday. He also gifted me a customized necklace with our initials crafted boldly on it as we all cheered. The others also gave me their presents.

Suddenly Lea said she forgot the gift she prepared in the car so she was going to get it.

As she entered the elevator alone, she started singing on top of her voice. She continued singing as she walked to the underground parking lot.

As she continued with her activity, her phone fell down. After picking it up, she kept checking the phone as she continued walking, when suddenly she bumped into someone and almost fell down.

As she raised her head to look at that person, she couldn't believe that there could be a very handsome guy like that in the world. Although he held her and prevented her from falling, he also asked her if she was a toddler in a sarcastic way which made her very angry.

Even though Lea was very angry , she didn't allow his remark to spoil her mood as she went and grabbed the gift and made her way back to the private room.