A Little Bit Naughty

On our way to Lyons's place, Lea seemed quite nervous and excited as if she was expecting to see someone. At first I wanted to ask her why she was all nervous but decided against it in case she felt awkward.

" We are here" I announced after I parked the car in Lyons' house.

" We are here?" asked Lea as if she just realized that we just got to the house.

" Yeah, what are you thinking about? it seems you were in a trance" I said as I got out of the car.

" No, I am not thinking of anything, I wasn't just paying attention to the road," said Lea.

" Okay now get off so that we can go in. Also help me with my bag so that I can get the cake" I said as I stepped out and I handed her my bag.

" A cake?" she asked with a curious face.

" Yes a cake" I replied while taking the cake from the back seat.

" But when did you get the cake? " she asked again.