You Got The Role!

ay four awards and his fans were the most excited about it.

" The fan meeting has been scheduled a month before your comeback. That means the fan meeting will be held in the middle of next month and so you have some time off before the due date. After the meet and greet, you will start with your shoot and everything else" Mark said the next day during breakfast.

" Noted" I said as I chewed on my toast.

" I almost forgot, you have a one day shoot a few days before the meet and greet for meg magazine for their February issue" said Mark as his eyes kept glued to his phone which made me give him a questioning look .

" But you already said I will have the days off right?, why this now?" I asked with an annoyed tone making him raise his head to look at me.

" Yes, it's just that you have to sacrifice just a day" he said with a straight face pretending to have noticed that I was annoyed.

" Just a day?" I glared at him.