An Autograph

The girls gathered around Lea as they read the post online.

" I don't know but I have a feeling that this has something to do with Anna or her company. Do you also think so or do you think it's just fan speculation?" Rica asked and the girls shook their heads.

" Nicky, what do you think?Will you reveal your identity or something ?" Mia asked

" No," she said with a shake of her head.

" So what do we do now?" Mia Asked again.

" Don't worry, boyfriend will put her back to her place" Nicky replied in confidence and the girls sighed .

" Okay if that's what you want, we won't push further besides let the guys handle such things" Vicky said with a smile.

" " it's okay don't make the morning serm sadder than it already is, we are leaving in just a few hours remember?" Lea asked and the rest turned to look at her in agreement.