Unexpected Encounter: CEO's Stern Warning

After following him for a while, Qianyou knew that this was a precursor to the man's anger. She hurriedly handed the contract to the man's large palm.

"President, the contract is not wet, you should hurry and sign it. I'll go first."

Just as she was about to turn around, her hand was suddenly grabbed.

Qianyou turned around in confusion, only to see Pei Yimo's face filled with anger as he shouted at her, "Are you a child? Don't you know you should bring an umbrella when it's raining outside?!" The small hand in his palm was as cold as ice, and Pei Yimo was filled with rage.

Qianyou's shoulders shrank, and her small body trembled slightly. She lowered her eyes and softly defended herself, "It wasn't raining when I came out, and you needed this contract urgently, so I..."

"Is this still my fault?" Pei Yimo narrowed his eyes, his tone becoming heavy.

That dangerous tone made it seem as if Qianyou's neck would be twisted immediately if she admitted it.

Qianyou hurriedly shook her head and avoided the man's somewhat terrifying gaze.

Thinking about his other business matters, Pei Yimo suppressed his surge of anger and commanded, "Wait for me here and don't go anywhere."

After some thought, he felt it was inappropriate. He turned to the service staff who was still in a daze beside him and said, "Take her to a room first, and prepare a set of clothes."

"Yes yes," the waiter nodded busily. Pei Yimo was a frequent visitor at Qiongse's, and of course, he knew the distinguished identity of this man and wouldn't dare to offend him. All rules about being well-dressed to enter were completely forgotten at the moment. As long as Pei Yimo spoke, even beggars would be treated as kindly as Cixi.

"But, President, I..."

Pei Yimo looked at her again and his voice suddenly turned cold, "Woman, try saying 'no'!"

Intuitively, Qianyou didn't dare to resist; it wasn't her strong suit.

Helplessly, she had to follow the waiter into Qiongse's.



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Friendly reminder: the author's naming skills are too tragic, so readers don't need to pay attention to the chapter titles while reading. I am truly inept at that. Tears...