Reluctant Blind Date

Pei Yimo never expected that beneath the oversized black glasses and heavy makeup, there hid such an incomparably beautiful face.

Surprised, he asked, "What's going on?"

Qianyou bit her lip, forming a row of white crescents. She looked up, her gaze somewhat pleading. "Can I... not say?"

Pei Yimo sighed helplessly and said, "Okay."

Perhaps not expecting Pei Yimo to agree so easily, Qianyou looked at him with confusion.

Pei Yimo handed her the clothes he had bought for her. "Tell me when you're ready to talk. For now, change your clothes and come downstairs for dinner."

With that, he turned and quickly left the room. Looking at the uniquely different Qianyou, he couldn't deny that his heart had been struck hard. If he stayed in that room any longer, he didn't know if he could control himself. He didn't want to hurt her, so he suppressed his desires.

As for the reasons she had been hiding herself, he didn't ask. He was just waiting for the day she would open up to him. He was waiting for the day she would confide in him...

The dinner was particularly awkward, with the servants beside them constantly looking at Qianyou with doubt and astonishment. Sensing Qianyou's discomfort, Pei Yimo suddenly said, "You can all leave now. Come back tomorrow to clean up."

Upon hearing the young master's words, they dared not linger for another second, no matter how curious they were.

Seeing the servants leave, Qianyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Being stared at by so many people while eating was really uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a dish was placed in front of her. Qianyou raised her head, puzzled, and looked at Pei Yimo beside her.

Meeting her gaze, Pei Yimo, who was still not used to seeing Qianyou so beautiful, said softly, "Eat all of this. Do you know how skinny you are? When I hold you, it's like holding a pile of bones." He was lying, though. Qianyou might be thin, but her body was soft. Even now, he couldn't forget the wonderful feeling of holding her last night.

Hearing his words, Qianyou's face suddenly flushed, even her small ears that were peeking out of her hair turned a charming shade of pink, looking particularly appetizing. Pei Yimo's black eyes suddenly flickered and he hastily shifted his gaze away.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang, breaking the eerie silence between the two. Qianyou glanced at the man beside her, seeing him calmly eating dinner, before pressing the answer button.

As soon as the call was answered, before Qianyou could speak, Judy's voice came through rapidly.

"Qianyou, I heard you fainted yesterday? Are you okay? Where are you now? I called you all night but couldn't reach you."

"I'm fine now. I'm at a friend's house. Don't worry."

Judy sighed in relief, then threatened, "If you disappear on me again, I'll find you and give you a beating."

Qianyou chuckled softly, "Okay, okay, bossy."

Hearing Qianyou's appeasing tone, Judy hummed triumphantly. Suddenly, she adopted a serious tone again. "Oh right, Qianyou, I need to talk to you about something. Do you remember my cousin I mentioned before?"

"I remember. What about him?"

"Well, my cousin is coming from the countryside to visit me. I thought it would be a good opportunity to set you up on a blind date!"

Qianyou exclaimed, "What? A blind date?"

Caught up in her surprise, she didn't notice the man next to her pause in his meal.