Unveiling Disguises: A Night of Revelations

Ever since that night, Pei Yimo had not appeared for several days in a row. Qianyou wanted to move back to her own home, but Wang Mama insisted that she had to wait for Pei Yimo to return before she could leave. Not wanting to make things difficult for Wang Mama, Qianyou reluctantly stayed. And so, three more days passed.

One afternoon, Wang Mama entered Qianyou's room wearing a formal suit.

"Miss, these are the clothes Master prepared for you. And Master also instructed that tonight, you should appear as you did before at the company," Wang Mama relayed, furrowing her brows at the end.

She couldn't understand why Miss Li, who was so beautiful, many times more beautiful than Miss Zhu, would be made to dress in such an old-fashioned and unattractive manner. Could it be, as Old Li said, that the Master wanted to hide his treasure in a golden house? But Miss Li was always gentle and never treated them as subordinates. If Miss Li could become their mistress, it would surely be a joyous occasion.

After Wang Mama left, Qianyou picked up the outfit from the bed and changed into it. She had heard that there would be a celebration today to commemorate the successful cooperation between the Pei family and Yiyang Corporation, but she hadn't expected the celebration to be held at Pei Yimo's villa.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror after getting dressed, there seemed to be a lingering sorrow in her eyes that couldn't be dispelled. Even if she successfully disguised herself, she couldn't hide her true feelings. Pei Yimo hadn't appeared for several days, and her performance that day must have hurt him.

With these thoughts in mind, the woman in the mirror sighed softly.


Upper-class society banquets were undoubtedly luxurious and exquisite, with dazzling lights and fine wines for the guests to enjoy. Everyone marveled at the Pei family's generosity.

Besides the employees of the Pei and Yiyang companies, the celebration also attracted many young elites from the business world and the daughters of wealthy families. They were all dressed up, especially the women, each one elegant and charming, with their goal clear—to attract the attention of the handsome and wealthy Pei Yimo.

Naturally, when Pei Yimo appeared at the venue, the room fell silent. All eyes were on him, as if he was the only one in the entire room.

Qianyou looked towards the center of attention, where Pei Yimo was tonight dressed in a gray suit, highlighting his perfect proportions and noble demeanor. His slightly tousled hair swayed as he walked, and his face, with its sharp contours softened by the gentle light, was extraordinarily handsome. He remained aloof, still outstanding. She breathed a sigh of relief, only because his demeanor remained unchanged.

Suddenly, the man's black eyes swept towards Qianyou's direction, catching her off guard. Before she could avert her gaze, their eyes met, but his expression was indifferent, as if what he had just seen was a complete stranger.

Qianyou couldn't help but smile wryly. Yes, a stranger. Wasn't that what she had always hoped for? Did she still expect him to come over and say hello to her as if nothing had happened after she had bluntly rejected him?

Suddenly, her heart felt heavy, and she found it hard to breathe. Perhaps this kind of occasion wasn't suitable for her, and she didn't want to see that enchanting and beautiful woman clinging to Pei Yimo like an octopus.

Qianyou turned and left the venue, hoping to return to her room before anyone noticed her. Unfortunately, just as her hand touched the door handle, someone noticed her.

"Oh, isn't this Mo's room? What are you doing going in? Stealing something? Or maybe, planning some other kind of mischief?"