Chapter 22: Split up.

We keep moving with our guards up, I keep an eye out for Thea and Thea does the same. To ensure that we're not going to be taken out so suddenly.

But, it was then, Thea reach her hand toward me and I feel a sudden increase in adrenaline. It's like my instinct is telling me something is definitely wrong.

I decided to act quickly out of my instinct rather than trusting the situation. I immediately jumped back and decided to ask Thea... "What's wrong, Thea?"

She didn't say a word, but her face turns sour. Then, her face distorts and reveals somebody else behind it... A fully cloaked person appears after that distortion holding 2 daggers.

The fact that they're fully cloaked makes it impossible for me to see who they're really are. Are They Jashin? Or not?

According to Thea's information earlier, Jashin is an assassin, Jashin is a young lady and a former noble. She's known for her ability to use Magic due to her Noble Background. However, she is a user of Black Magic. Allowing her to enter the shadow, create an illusion and many more trickery. The most notable feature of Jashin is her bandaged arms and daggers...

I see the daggers, but I don't see the bandages. I need to be careful and make sure that this is indeed Jashin...

"I don't know who you are, but knowing how powerful Thea is, there's no way that she is taken out quietly. That means, you transport me to a different space and apply an illusion that makes me see Thea..." I stated to the cloaked person. They didn't say anything so I try to bait them to show me their bandages around their arm.

"If you don't say anything, then I will assume that you are Jashin." I reached to my pocket and then take out a small dagger and then throw it straight and powerfully toward them.

Noticing that my dagger is coming straight toward their face, they immediately went on the defensive and then blocked my dagger by swiping their dagger up toward my dagger.

I managed to bait them into revealing their arm. And unfortunately for me, my suspicion is right. There were no bandages around their arm and that's when I feel a cold wind brushing against my back...

I turn my body around and I realizes that it's too late... The Real Jashin is right behind me and her dagger is coming toward my rib... I managed to swing my left hand to block the dagger but still, it's too late for me to get away with no wound...

She notices my hand is approaching her dagger but she also understand that there's no way that I'm stopping her dagger. So, she just drive her dagger straight into my hand and pierced it with her dagger.

"Fucking hell!" I cursed and hold the pain before jumping away from her. But, then, the fake Jashin in front of me throw her daggers toward me as a way to force my hand dealing with it.

With only one hand, I cannot block both daggers and I'm also forced to focus on dealing with the powerful assassin behind me...

Jashin didn't make her moves as she's waiting for me waiting for her to make a decision. Whether to attack or defend...

I didn't realize that it's going to be this overwhelming. I am waiting for her to make her action and then make my decision based on it. But, she's waiting for me now. So, I decided to make my action which is to deal with her solely.

I turn my back and takes the hit of the daggers on my back... It stabbed me right on my shoulders and it really limits my mobility.

I grit my teeth to reduce the pain and then wait for Jashin to make her move. But she didn't move. Instead... She just moved away toward the other assassin and then disappeared into the shadow...

I drop down to my knees, thinking that it was safe...

"Bloody hell... That is tough... I cannot use my arms freely anymore... I need to heal myself." The only thing I can move right now is my right hand and even that is barely...

They are so surgical with their accuracy and aimed my nerves a bit too well...

"I hope Thea is okay... I need to meet up with both Thea and Victor as soon as possible..." I stood up and then make my way back toward the ship, in the hope of finding them both.

But, no matter how fast I run, I didn't seem to find my ship. It is completely empty which is not ideal for me right now...

"Gaidos. Analyze the situation." I put on an ear piece that is connected with Gaidos and then asked Gaidos about it.

"We are in a pocket dimension right now, Captain. The only way out is by defeating Jashin. There's no way for us to reach Victor or Thea right now. But if they went to the ship, I can send them signal about our whereabouts and also inform them about our current situation." Gaidos explained the situation. Which gives me a bit of hope knowing that there's a way for Victor and Thea to know my whereabouts.

I just sat on the ground and then wait for Victor and Thea to pick up my whereabouts...

Meanwhile, in the real dimension where Thea and Victor is located...

In particular, Thea...

In Thea eyes, she's still with Noah, looking at each other and making sure that they're fine and no one could pick them apart... But then, Thea asked Noah "Captain, I think we should go back to the ship. I feel like Victor would be there because he notices that there would be something strange going on. What do you think?" As she looked at Noah, she notices that he is looking and acting strange...

His eyes is blank and doesn't really respond to her question and keep looking around like it was something he is programmed to do.

Noticing the strange feeling coming from Noah. Thea immediately jumped back and then draw her sword... She didn't hesitate to swing her sword toward Noah and then Noah distort into Jashin and Jashin immediately block her sword.

"Careful there, Thea. You know me a bit too well to be able to notice that I am around you." Jashin, stated to Thea. Having a different approach to this then when she's going against Noah...

"Jashin. I will not playing kind this time. Bring me to my Captain or you will pay a severe price!" Thea eyes were bloodshot, not noticing that her Captain was taken away from her in front of her eyes...