Chapter 38: Taking Over the Seven Stars.

Franz took me on a proper tour of the Seven Stars.

The Ship is bigger than expected so it takes hours for Franz to explain to me every little bit of the ship. The good news is that Franz are an expert at stuff like this. There are nothing in the Seven Stars that he isn't familiar with.

When I asked him "You have a lot of knowledge of this ship, Franz. Are you somehow, the lead engineer for Dixon too?" To which, his answered shook me to my core. "No, I am someone who is willing to learn things that is interesting."

That means that he's just a normal guy who know a lot of things... I deducted that he didn't let out that knowledge of his with Dixon because Dixon would misuse his knowledge. But with me, he doesn't need to feel that way so that is a good sign that he trust me already...

Anyway, starting from the basic information that he gave me. The Ship consisted of 3 parts. The Seven Stars design are very unique as it's wide and tall, but only on some part.