Arcane Illusion: Shadow Mirage

Wuxie raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "A trick? Me? Never," he replied, feigning innocence. "But if you're done with your conspiracy theories, how about we go see old man? I'm sure he must be waiting for us"

With a melodramatic sigh, Wovi relented. "Fine, fine, let's go see Master Fu," it replied, fluttering ahead of Wuxie towards the secret passage.

Finally, they reached the hidden chamber where Master Fu awaited them. The old master looked up from his meditative state, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he saw Wuxie and Wovi.

"Ah, Wuxie, Wovi. Right on time as always," Master Fu greeted them with a warm smile.

Wovi couldn't resist a teasing jab. "You'll never believe it, Master Fu. Wuxie here actually woke up before I could give him an electric shock," it chirped, its voice filled with amusement.