Chapter 5


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧⁠ Chapter 5 ✧⁠


Brianna remembered Charlie and his family. She couldn't possibly kill them. Charlie's second daughter was her best friend.

But these people went as far as killing her parents.

She needed to win their trust, and end their lives. She folded her fists tightly and looked at Don in the eyes.

"I...I...I'll do what you ask." Brianna said and Don smiled before walking away.

She glared at Damon and walked away. She actually found out that Damon was the killer of her parents.


"Brianna must never know you killed her parents if not she'll use what she learned from us against us" Don roared at Damon.

"You know I didn't kill them because I wanted to, I did it because you threatened to kill my mum so let her find out so she'll kill me and end this. I'm tired of this life dad, I'm tired" he said coldly and the Don stood up.

"If she finds out, I won't do anything to you but your mother. I'll make her suffer immense pains till she die and am sure you wouldn't want that" he said and Damon glared at him before standing up.

"Fvck you dad!!!!" He yelled and stormed out of the room.

Brianna who was hiding behind a wall there closed her eyes as tears fell from her eyes.

'He killed them!!' That's what rang in her head and she wiped the tears before walking away.


She hadn't walked far, when she saw Arianna, Rihanna and Irene familiarizing. In the whole of Six years, they hadn't really sat and got to know each other.

Brianna went towards them and tapped Arianna.

"We need to talk!! Now!!" Brianna said and walked to a silent ally.

Arianna rolled her eyes and followed her there.

"What was that for?" Brianna asked calmly.

"What do you mean?" Arianna feigned ignorance.

"Don't act stupid. I'm sure you know what I mean" Brianna snapped.

"Whatever. The stupid maid shouldn't have spilled a drink on me. So I just decided to end her life since she didn't want to live again!" Arianna said with a shrug.

"Seriously?? How could you kill someone who just mistakenly poured juice on you. That was not a good reason to kill her!!" Brianna yelled and Arianna scoffed.

"She's dead, she's dead. There's nothing you can do about it!!" Arianna said and walked away.

Brianna punched the wall angrily and walked away. She sighted Eric coming towards her looking as handsome as ever.

"Heard what your sister did!!" He said and put his hands in his pocket.

He had a sniper gun hunged around his shoulders and two small guns in his pockets.

"Yeah!! She isn't feeling remorseful. She's going crazy nowadays and I don't like it" Brianna said and Eric sighed.

"That's why I never liked her from the start. Yes she has your face but you're totally different. I prefer you" he said and Brianna blushed but changed it to a frown.

"You're crazy!!" She muttered and he chuckled.

"Are you pulling through with the mission??" He asked.

"I don't know!! I need to gain their trust so as to execute my plan" she said and he nodded.

"Make the right choice" he muttered and smiled at her before walking away.

Brianna walked away silently. She took a short nap, and thirty minutes later, she was ready for her mission.

She wore her black hoodie with a black cargo pants and black sneakers. She took her gun and a knife, it would really come in handy. She requested she went alone.

As She walked out of her room and out of the house, she heard a noise. She held her gun tightly as she walked towards the location she heard it.

Her eyes widened when she saw one of Don's guards, forcefully undressing Rihanna.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She muttered and walked towards them and shot the guard on his back thrice. He fell to the ground in immense pain. He got up with difficulty and charged at her. She smirked and when he got closer, she slit his throat angrily.

Rihanna stood speechless as she saw his blood pouring on the ground.

"Thank you so much Brianna...I..."

"You will no longer stay here!" Brianna pulled Rihanna and they ran so quick. Rihanna felt it was all a blur as they hopped into the Lamborghini, and Brianna drove off.

"Thank you so much, Brianna" Rihanna muttered but got no reply from Brianna cos she focused much on her speed, she didn't even hear her.

They got to a very deep forest and Brianna pulled over. She came down from the car.

"Brianna..." Rihanna called as she came down the car.

"Where will we go? Don will find me!!" She said and burst into tears.

"There's a house at the end of the forest. It's just a few meters away, go to her and tell her your condition. Say you're a friend of mine and she'll let you in" Brianna said.

"Here's Don's phone. Use it against him, only when it comes in handy. Call me with this, on anything that happens to you." Brianna added.

"But why are you helping me?" She asked and collected the phone.

"I made a promise to your mother that you won't be with Don again and I'm fulfilling that promise. So go to the house and make sure you don't make the mistake of coming back" Brianna said.

Rihanna smiled and hugged Brianna tightly. Brianna smiled and pulled out of the hug with a frown.

"Go!!" Brianna said.

"Thank you Brianna. I love you so much, you're like the sister I never had. Please take care of yourself" Rihanna said as tears fell from her eyes.

Brianna smiled as a tear drop fell from her eyes. Rihanna smiled too and ran into the forest with the phone in her hand.

Brianna wiped the tear and headed back to the castle in the Lamborghini.

"WHERE'S RIHANNA? WHERE'S MY WIFE!!" Don was roaring when she entered.


"Did you do the job?" He asked.

"Am sorry. I can't do it." She said.

"SHOOT HER!!" He yelled and a guy pulled the trigger. It was about to hit her when she did a backward summersault and it flew past her and hit the wall

Don walked to her and punched her heavily making her fall to the ground and blood escaped her lips.

Damon who was there smiled widely.

"If I don't find Rihanna, everyone in this castle will die." He promised loudly.

"I helped her escape." Brianna muttered on the floor and Damon walked towards her.


"Shut up bonehead!!" She muttered.

"Watch your tongue. Else,you'll suffer the same fate as....." He was about to complete his sentence when Don tapped his shoulder making him stop.

"What did you want to say??!!" Brianna asked but they didn't reply. She stood up and left the room angrily and headed to her own room. She locked the door and headed to the shower. She wore a black singlet and a black bum short. She let her hair flow freely and sat near the window.

She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back.

"Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other.

"How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk

Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her.

"How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled.

"One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing.

"You're a jerk! Out!!!." Brianna said and pointed at the door, signalling to drive him out. Damon walked out while smiling. Brianna groaned and went to lie down on the bed. Using the duvet to cover herself.


Sounds of punches could be heard. Both Brianna and Damon were punching two different punching bags, in a dark room. They were training for an upcoming mission.

Brianna, 22 years old, round hips, bad girl curves, long brown hair and twinkling eyes. Her body structure was more than enough to make a man drool.

She took every five second to look at Damon during her punching. His well built abs drove her crazy, every time they were rehearsing.

Brianna had taken a liking to Damon but Brianna still lived with the mindset of calling Damon the murderer of her parents.

She stopped punching tiredly, but Damon continued. Damon gave one look at her and punched the bag that the bag bursted.

He carried a towel and wiped his sweat and sat on the chair there.

Brianna also used a towel that was laying on the chair to wipe her sweat too. She carried a water bottle and gulped down all the contents inside.

She threw the bottle away and sat beside Damon.

"You're still weak!!" He said and she looked at him.

"Weak how??" She asked coldly.

"You're weak Brianna. You got tired of punching a simple bag and you didn't even make it burst. I don't know why Don asked me and you to handle this mission when you'll only be a liability" he said angrily and she stood up angrily.

"I'm not weak!! It'll shock you that I'll be an asset and not a liability" she said and he scoffed before standing.

"You that can't kill someone without feeling bad. I wonder how you'll kill these people..."

"I've changed. If I have to kill, then I will" she said and he rolled his eyes.

"Say that I'm not weak!" She said and he looked at her.

"Say it!!" She yelled and he chuckled before coming to stand in her front. Their face was so close to each other and Brianna held her breath.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said say that I'm not weak!!" She said softly.

"And if I don't?" He asked and she frowned.

She moved back a bit and punched him on his face. He smirked and punched her too on her belly and she spat out blood.

He kicked her face and she flew inches away from him hurting her arm in the process.

She stood up and spat out the blood in her mouth before charging towards him. He punched her but she dodged and caught his hand. She flipped him over and twisted his arm but he didn't make any sound.

She put a knee on his chest and held his hand with her two hands. Placing them above his head.

"Say it" she said.

"I won't!!" He said.

"Do you want don to see us like this, I doubt he'll be happy " she said with a smirk and he thought about his mother.

He doesn't want to do anything that'll put his mother in danger.

"You're not weak!!" He muttered and she smiled before letting go of him.

She got up and looked at him. He got up and started walking to her. She furrowed her brows as she watched him. He stood at her front and held her injured arm.

Without thinking twice, he hit it on the nearby wall and she winced in pain.

She bit her lips if not she would have screamed.

He let go of her arm and she sat on the floor.

"What was that for?" She asked as she felt immense pain but it stopped. She was able to move the hand and she now understood why he did it.

Her bone shifted and so he did that to straighten the bone.

"Thanks" she said and stood up. He walked out of the room immediately and she sighed.

"Gosh!" She muttered and walked out of the room too.
