Chapter 9


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧ Chapter 9 ⁠✧


Don walked into the room and saw Brianna on the ground with Damon on top her.

He was choking her and she did the same. His elbow and face was injured. His lips was also bursted and part of his shirt was torn.

Brianna's face was red due to slaps she received from Damon though she reciprocated it. Her lips was also bursted and she had a slight cut on her cheek.

"What the hell is going on here?" Don snarled.

They both turned to look at him and Brianna turned back immediately and used the opportunity to push him away with a kick and he flew to the ground.

"Shit..." he muttered as he stood up.

His neck was red already same with Brianna.

Brianna also stood up and dusted herself.

"Damon, what happened to you? You've become a beast." Don said angrily.

"Why won't I be a beast when you made me one!!!" He yelled and Don gave him a hot slap.

"Don't you ever yell at me Damon" he warned.

"He's a beast!" Tears welled in Brianna's eyes but she sniffed and shook it off.

"She kicked my fucking instrument! How dare she?!" He said.

"Deal with it." Don said and left them. He walked straight into another room. Some maids were bathing Rihanna. Her physique was so fucking gorgeous.

"Rihanna.." Don said her name coldly. She stared at Don and moved back in fear.

"D...Don!!" She called shakily.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt" he said and started moving towards her.

"Please leave me alone" she muttered from inside the water.

"Leave us!!" He told me maids and they scurried out of the room.

Rihanna got out immediately and tied a towel.

Don smirked as he stared at her and she began moving back slowly.

"You're looking more beautiful every day" he said and she kept moving back.

She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He came into the kitchen and she pointed it at him.

"Don't come any closer if not I won't hesitate but to stab you with this" she said trying to act brave.

"You're cute when trying to be brave" he said with a chuckle.

"But this only make me want you more" he said and walked towards her.

She raised the knife and slashed his arm making him bleed.

He winced in pain inwardly before glaring at her.

She followed another route and ran out of the kitchen. She got to the sitting room and she panted heavily.

'What did I just do?' She thought as she stared at Don coming towards her with a bleeding arm.

"Don't come any closer!!!!" She screamed but he kept walking.

She kept moving back till her back hit the wall. He walked to her and she pointed the knife at him.

He walked to her and tried hitting it away but she turned it and stabbed his stomach. He smirked as blood began bleeding from his mouth.

He removed the knife from his stomach and threw it away. He took out his gun and attempted to shoot when Damon came in.

"Dad..." He called as he entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked without looking at his son.

His gun was pointed at Rihanna's head and she closed her eyes fearfully.

"Why are you bleeding dad?" He asked instead.

Don turned away from Rihanna and looked at his son.

"You've got a mission! It's in the next five hours. You and Brianna gotta train." He said coldly.

"You didn't...."

"Ask me that question again and I'll put a bullet through that fucking head of yours!!" He said coldly and Damon smirked.

"Okay Don, we won't waste any more time." Damon said and with that, he left the room.

He headed to Brianna's room, and was shocked to see Eric there, hugging Brianna. Brianna reciprocated and it looked like she was crying. Eric saw Damon and let go of her.

"I'll need to attend to something now." Eric said.

"Thanks so much Eric. You're a life saver." Brianna said and hugged him again. Eric reciprocated and left the room. Damon looked at him before entering the room.

"What are you doing here?" She asked..

"Sexy devil." He said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that!" She wiped her tears and sat on the bed.

"We have another mission together." He said and she groaned.

"I heard about it. And we've trained for long enough. It's high time we relax." Brianna said as she drank a bottle of chilled water.

"The mission is coming up in five hours!" He yelled.

She threw the bottle at him and it's mistakenly hit his elbow. He immediately held his elbow as he glared at her.

"You haven't treated your wounds." Brianna was shocked, grabbed the first aid box, sat him down and immediately started treating his wounds.

"You're hurt too..."

"I am. But am strong. I can handle it." Brianna said as she applied the antiseptic.

"Oh yeah!!" He said and laughed. Brianna ignored him and continued. He was staring at her round lips.

"I've noticed your little sister. She's hot." He said.

"She's just like me." Brianna remembered her sister's words. A tear dropped on Damon's hand.

"Shit! What's this?" He yelled and pulled his hands away from Brianna and she flinched.

"Am sorry.." she muttered as she wiped her tears.

"You were crying. Instead of crying, go and train." He said and got up and knocked the whole box down.

"I knew it, you're a beast." She said and stood up.

"And you're a devil. I hate you." He said and put his hands in his pockets.

"Same wishes." She said and picked up the equipments back in the box. Damon left the room and she followed him. They got to the training room and he took off his shirt.

"Let's do it!" He charged at Brianna and she took out a knife immediately.

"Fuck! Brianna, what are you doing?" He said and took steps back, shocked.

"We don't use the knife or the gun,don't you think before doing things?" He asked again.

"You can see am hurt, I can't train or do this mission." She said and Damon walked towards Brianna and held her hands.

Brianna was surprised.

"If Don hears this, he won't hesitate to kill you. So shut the hell up and do what he asks." Damon said coldly.

"I can't do anything!" Brianna burst into uncontrollable tears. Everything that happened yesterday flashed in front of her.

"BRI..." He called and she felt her heart flutter the way he pronounced her name.

"Don't talk to me!" She said and continued crying, sniffing and shivering.

"Brianna...are you sick or something?" He asked softly. It was the first time Brianna was seeing him speaking so softly.

He took a jacket near him and covered Brianna up with it.

"Am sorry." He muttered an apology.

Her eyes widened when she heard those words.

'That was a sincere apology' she thought.

"So, who's gonna accompany me to the mission site? Who's gonna showcase some crybaby vibes?" Damon laughed.

"I am not a crybaby." She snapped.

Arianna entered the training room wearing a tight bum shorts with a crop top.

Her hair was curly.

"Arianna never curls her hair. Why did she do it?" Brianna thought.

"I did it so I won't look like you, bitch." Arianna thought back and Brianna bit her lips.

Arianna was very active at reading her sister's face and mind, and it was all part of twin telepathy.

"Hi Damon." She said as she walked past him going to the punching bag.

"Hi! Have a mission tonight??" Damon asked.

"No! I don't." She muttered and gave the punching bag a punch.

"How about a mission with me?" Damon asked and walked over to her. Brianna looked down at her shoe guiltily.

"I am not in the mood for any mission with Brianna's boyfriend." She said and turned to him.

Damon frowned when he heard this and was enraged. He punched her heavily and she fell to the ground heavily with a bleeding mouth.

He pulled out his gun and aimed at her chest. He aimed her stomach and shot her there 5 times and she fainted due to shock.

"ARIANNA!!" Brianna yelled and ran towards her and lifted her.

Damon dropped the gun and left the room in annoyance.

She called Eric and with his kit, he was able to remove the bullets from her stomach in time.

"She nearly died, but she's okay." Brianna heaved a sign of relief. She held her sister's hand as tears poured down her eyes.

"I'll take her to her room!!" He said and carried her up in a bridal style.

"Alright!" She said and he left.

Brianna frowned and walked out of the training room heading to Damon's room.

She didn't find him there so she began searching the house but he was no where to be found.

She got outside and saw him standing at the garden. His hands were in his pockets and he stared at the moon.

Brianna walked towards him and stopped beside him.

"Why did you shoot her!" She asked staring at his side view.

"You heard what she said didn't you?" He asked still staring at the moon.

"She would have died!!" She half yelled and he looked at her.

"I would have killed her but I only injured her. She should know better than to spill trash next time" he said.

"She's my sister Damon. I don't like the way you're hurting her" she said and he faced her fully.

"I hurt whoever crosses the line including you" he said and she bit her lips as she blinked back her tears.

"Don't hurt my sister again!!" She said coldly.

"I already warned her to stay away from me and if she does that, no harm will be done to her" he said and faced the moon.

"I don't know what made you like this Damon. I know you're good deep inside but you're trying to hide it. But lemme tell you this, the next time you hurt my sister again, you'll die by my hands Damon. I promise you" she said and walked back into the house.

He looked at her disappearing figure and sighed loudly.


Brianna walked in and saw Arianna sitting on the bed while Eric held her hand.

"Anna!" She called and Arianna looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Arianna asked coldly.

"Please Anna. We need to talk!" She said.

"I have nothing to say to you. Get out!!!" She half yelled.

"Please Anna. When will you stop being like this to me?? It's hurting me seriously" Brianna said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"If you can bring back grandma then I'll forgive you" Arianna said.

"You know I can't bring her back" Brianna said.

"Then don't talk to me" Arianna said and she sighed.

"I'll get going then but am so glad, you're okay now" Brianna said with smile.

"Am so sad, you're still alive." Arianna said and Brianna stared at her in extreme shock.



"I didn't mean for it to happen. You made a mistake many times when dad and mum were still alive. You pushed a kid into the water and she died. Why? Because she hit your face. Didn't mum and dad forgive you? Didn't they? And I forgave you as well but why are you making mine different? Why? I'm tired of explaining myself to you Anna. It's your choice now to forgive me or not. I'm done trying to make you forgive me" she said and walked out of the room slamming the door in the process.

Arianna started crying and Eric stood up.

"You said all those harsh things to your sister because of that one mistake she did but yet you made a mistake exactly like hers. She apologized severally but you're still angry to the point that you wished she'd die. You're a terrible twin sister!" He muttered and walked out.

Arianna kept crying as she stared at her hands. She recalled the broken face Brianna had because of what she said and she cried more.

"I was just...angry" she muttered sadly as hot tears kept rolling down her eyes.


"Why is Arianna doing all this?" Brianna asked as she kept on crying.

"She'll come back to her senses. You're her twin, she'll be okay." Eric said and she sniffed.

"It feels like she's hates me now. Maybe I should just die." She said and he shook his head.

"Do you want to kill me?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Then don't dare kill yourself. Got it?" He said and asked.

"Yes sir!!" She said and hugged him tightly. He did the same and smiled widely.


"Dad, I want to see my mum!" Damon said.

He was currently in Don's room and his hands was bloody.

"You can't see Daniella! I'm not done with her yet" he said coldly.

"What are you doing with my mum?" Damon asked.

"It's a secret!" He said.

"I love my mum so much! Please, let me see her just once." Damon muttered with pleading eyes.

"Come back with victory after this mission first. Then, you can see Daniella."

He said and Damon stood up and walked out of the room.
