Chapter 17


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧ Chapter 17 {FINAL CHAPTER} ⁠✧


The person dragged both Brianna and Damon into the main room. Don was seated on his throne and he smiled at the person.

"Good job....Rose! You'll receive your reward later" He said and she smiled widely.

"Thank you boss!" She said and bowd her head before going to stand in one side of the room.

Damon was the first to wake up and he furrowed his brows. He looked around and saw he was back in the mansion.

He looked up and saw Don smirking at him.

"Did you think you can escape me that easily?" He asked as he stood up.

Damon stood up slowly and glared at Don.

"I don't think. I know!" He said and Don stood in front of him.

Brianna opened her eyes already and looked up at Don. She held her stomach as she stood up slowly.

"The witch is finally awake!!" Don said with a grin and she frowned deeply.

"Let us go!" Damon said.

"Not without killing this witch!" Don and looked at Brianna.

He punched Don on the face and he fell to the ground. He then gave Brianna a kick to her stomach and she flew to the ground with a groan.

Damon stood up immediately and launched at him. Don tried to punch him but he was quick enough to dive and gave him spare.

Damon punched Don repeatedly on his face. Don held his fist and head butt him making blood bleed form his forehead.

Brianna stood up slowly and Rose came to her. She gave her a kick and Brianna fell again.

"You'll die by my hands" Rose said and punched Brianna.

Brianna kicked her stomach and she flew to the ground. She got up and gave Rose uppercut and she bit her lips hard making blood erupt from her lips.

She kept punching Rose and Rose flew to the ground with an injured face. Rose brought out her gun and aimed it at Brianna.

She shot but Brianna dodged every bullet. She got to Rose and punched her heavily making the gun fall from her hands.

Brianna carried the gun and pointed it at Rose.

"This is for killing all those children!!" Brianna said and shot rose twice on her stomach.

"This is for peeling my skin!" She said and shot her chest twice.

"And this is for injuring my mumm!!" She yelled and shot rose on the head.

She die with her eyes opened and Brianna smiled.

Don gave Damon one more punch and he fell to the ground.

"You're so weak son!" He said and the door opened.

"Don! Rihanna escaped!!" A guard said and Don lost focus.

Brianna threw the gun to him and he caught it. He got up and aimed it at Don.

"Find her!!!" He yelled and the guard left. Don looked back at Damon but received a bullet to his chest. He held his chest as he fell to the ground.

Brianna and Damon walked to stand near Don.

"I'm your father Damon. You can't kill me right?" He asked and Damon chuckled.

"My father died a long time ago. You're no one to me Don and it's time to die for all the misery you caused a lot of people" he said and gave Brianna the gun.

"Finish this!" He said and she nodded.

"It's time you pay for killing my parents. You're a monster Don and I hope you rot in hell!!" She said and shot every part of his body.

He screamed in pain as she kept shooting him till she finally shot his head and he died instantly.

"He's dead. Finally!!" Brianna said and hugged Damon.

"Finally!" Damon said and broke the hug.

"Let's go!" He said and they both walked out.

Arianna and Eric came in the car and began killing all of Don's men. Arianna saw Rihanna squatting near a bush and she yelled her name.

"Rihanna!!" She called and she looked at Arianna.

"C'mon!!" Arianna yelled and Rihanna stood up and took to her heels.

She was about reaching them when Irene used a sniper and shoot her from the back. It penetrated into her chest and she fell to the ground.

"Rihanna!!" Brianna and Arianna screamed at the same time.

Brianna already came and she ran to Rihanna. Damon was shooting at Irene but she hid behind a tree so it didn't hit her.

"Rihanna!! Please stay with me!" Brianna said as tears came out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry but I can't" Rihanna said and spat out blood.

"I promised your mum to save you but instead I couldn't. I'm so sorry" Brianna cried.

"It's okay. At least I'll go see her now" Rihanna said and coughed out blood again.

"I love you so much. Like a sister I never had. Thank you for trying to help me as well" Rihanna said and Brianna smiled.

"I love you too" Brianna said and Rihanna's eyes closed automatically.

"Rihanna!!!!" Brianna screamed as tears fell from her eyes painfully.

She stood up and began searching for Irene. She shot every of Don's men that came her way but she still couldn't find Irene.

Damon and Alex were shooting Don's men and Damon faced him.

"Thanks for turning off the lights that day" Damon said.

"You're welcome!" Alex replied and they continued shooting.

Arianna and Eric were also shooting every one that came across them. Irene pointed the gun at Arianna's chest and Eric saw the red dot. He immediately got in front to Arianna and the bullet pierced his chest.

"Eric!!!" She screamed.

"Shut!" Irene cussed and began running away.

Brianna and Arianna saw this and started shooting repeatedly. Irene body was filled with a lot of bullets as she fell to the ground with blood coming out from her mouth.

She died with her eyes opened.

"Eric!" Arianna called and rush to kneel beside him.

"Please don't leave me Eric!" She pleaded and he coughed out blood.

"I'm sorry Arianna but I don't think I can hold on any longer" he said weakly.

"Eric don't say those things please. You can't leave me Eric. You can't!!" She muttered as tears poured down her eyes.

He raised his hands shakily and wiped her tears with his thumb before cupping her cheeks.

"I love you Arianna. So freaking much!" He said.

"I love you too!" She said as more tears escaped her eyes.

"You have to promise you won't change because of me. You will move on after I go alright!" He said and she cried before shaking her head.

"No. No please....."

"Promise me Arianna. Please!" He said and she cried more.

" I promise" she said and he smiled.

She leaned in and kissed his lips which he reciprocated. They broke the kiss and Eric smiled.

"Till we meet again!" Eric said and closed his eyes. The hand he was using to xup Arianna's cheek fell and she cried loudly.

"Eric!! Eric!!!!!!" She yelled and Brianna came there after killing all of Don's men.

She began crying as she hugged Eric to herself.


"I'm so happy to meet you Eric. Though we weren't on good terms at first but we eventually became good friends. I loved you a lot but I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you on time. I will fulfill your promise Eric but just know you will still be in my heart. I love you so much!" She said and threw her flower inside the coffin.

"Why did you leave Eric. You saved my life countless times. You're an amazing doctor for always treating me when am injured. You protected I and Brianna till your last breath and I will be forever grateful. You're an amazing best friend Eric and you dying is like a thorn in my heart. I hope you're happy wherever you are but just know I love you so much" she said with tears pouring from her eyes ans she threw the flower into the coffin.

Every other person did their speech and then it was time to lower the coffin into the ground.

Brianna and Arianna couldn't stop crying till he was buried.

They left the place in tears. Today was another sad day.


"Why did he leave me? Why?" Arianna cried as she stared at the moon.

It was late in the night and she was in the garden looking at the moon when she remembered Eric.

Someone sat beside her and she turned to face him.

It was Alex.

"I'm sorry for your loss!" He said and she cried more.

"He shouldn't have died Alex. I love him so much. I can't bear living without him" she cried and he pulled her into a comforting hug.

"It's okay. Let it all out. I'm here for you" he said and she cried more on his shoulder.

★★ 4 years later ★★

Damon and Brianna got married a year ago and now she's heavily pregnant.

Arianna couldn't still get over the fact that Eric died but she had to since it was his last wish. Alex and Arianna started dating already. She told him that if he can make her fall in love with her then she'll consider dating him for real.

Alex eventually succeeded and so they're now engaged. They'll be getting married in 3 weeks time.

Rose, Irene and Don were buried in the same place.

Nanny Wendy, Aura, Daniella, Mabel and the other maids were living happily.


Arianna and Alex came to Eric grave with a flower in both their hands.

They crouched in front of his grave and Arianna smiled.

"I did what you asked Eric. I'm now engaged to Alex. Look at my engagement ring" she said sadly and smiled.

"I miss you so much Eric and I still love you so much. I hope you're taking care of yourself in where you are right now" she said and threw the flower in the grave.

"Hi! Am Alex. Arianna's finance. I promise not to break her heart ever and I will love her till death do us apart. Rest in peace" he said and threw the flower.

They held hands and stood up before smiling. They began walking back to the car.

"So you still love him huh?" Alex asked.

"Yes but don't worry, I love you also but in a different way" she said with a wink.

"That's alright with me! Now let's go home and make babies" He said and she chuckled.

"You're crazy!" She said.

"Crazy for you!" He said and they both entered the car.

"I love you!" She said.

"I love you more!" He said and kissed her.

He broke the kiss and ignited the engine before driving off.


My second book down finally.

So how was it guys?

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Happiest scene?

Saddest scene?

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And lastly, a sweet word for your wonderful Authoress.