Callsign: Oblivion (final)


A voice calls out to me from the ether of my consciousness, my mind barely able to dredge up the slightest echo of it's contents.


I mumbled to myself in my fugue state wondering who or what it was that was trying to reach out to me.


The voice sounded like it was a bit closer now but still a jumbled mess of gargled sounds to my ears.

((It's happening again...the dreams))

I instinctively recognized that I must be in one of those weird dreams again...but something felt different this time, whereas before they were like a distant fading echo, right now something tells me that they were actually reachable.

""What are you saying? I can't hear a thing""

Seeing no point in standing still nor running from it I decided confront these dreams directly and tried to reach out to them and to ascertain the origin of that voice.