Prologue to ruin


As the fleet of dragons flies through the conjured [Realm Gate], the howling wind returned, filling the once-empty void with movement and sound. Instinctively, I turned toward the sealed cargo hold window, watching as the endless black was torn away, peeling back like a false layer of reality. In its place, the sky reappeared—vast, blue, and boundless.

This was the 4th time we popped out of the void during this trip but still, every time it happens I can't help but get this refreshing feeling of bliss.


I blinked, letting out a sigh.


The void was timeless, a place where thought stretched endlessly, unmoored from sensation or consequence. No hunger. No fatigue. No aging. No air or the need for it. No sound except the ones we make. A prison with no walls, where existence itself felt weightless and unchanging.