ch.6: broken remains

Back home

So I got back home and I texted my dad,

Conversation: Haley and dad

H: hey dad I got to tell you something. Can you come over?

D: sure. Everything alright?

H: yeah, we have to talk.

D: I don't have to hurt anyone right?

H: no dad. I just need to talk.

D: okay we'll see you soon.

I wanted to act all sad, and all to mess with his head. But well I texted ash, Lauren, Cindy, Alesha in a group chat: saying can they come over they said yeah. So that is going to happen.

Twenty minutes later

So it was about twenty minutes later and well I heard a knock on the door I put on a sad face and said, " come in guys." My dad asked, " so what do you wanna talk about?" It is so hard to try and stay sad right now. But I said, " so you know how I went to the studio today?" They nodded and I said, " well yeah, so we were talking, and Andy said, ' Jake will you tell her already before I do." They looked at me confused, " black veil." They nodded and I continued, " so he asked when my birthday was. I said may 15, he said, ' oh well, happy belated birthday." I smiled widely, and said, " he gave me this" I put it in. And I said, " it comes out October 9, this year." I started jumping up and down. And they squealed except my dad. The girls gave me a hug and cindy said, " we have to go out." I said, " okay but where?"

She smiled and said, " I got the perfect place, I saw it the one time I was visiting alley cat." I smield and said, " okay. But what is the place?" She said, " ever been to sugar factory?" I nodded and said, " yeah." She smiled. " we're going there so wears dress."

I nodded and went to my closet, and sighed, " what to wear." I searched and searched until I found nothing. I said, " there's nothing to find." Cindy, Lauren, ash, and Alesha came in and said, " let me see." They looked and Alesha said, " I think I have something in mind. But we will have to back to the store for a moment." I nodded and said, " adventure!" So my dad went back to the hotel room, and me and the girls went to the store, and well I knew the place, but she went to the back. And I was talking to the girls, but she came back with this cute af offutt and shoes.

But I said, " are you sure, and besides my color is fading so maybe-" They looked at me and I said, " fine I will shut up." So we all go our dresses and well today is going to be good. But my dad texted and said he is going to be headin home Tonight. So my dad is heading home and well the girls aren't just yet. So tonight we have girl night. And I have a weird feeling that when I turn twenty one the girls are going to do something drastic. I promised myself that I would never in my life touch a drink. So I am keeping that promise. But well my offutt looked like this: and it was so cute and the dress was comfy I loved the whole offutt. Especially the shoes. Just perfect for me. But I got back to my house before we go out. But my dad came over and I said, " I am going to miss you dad." He gave me a hug and said, " I will miss you to. But when does the album or ep come out?" I said, " October 9" he mumbled in my ear, " I know but she is going to be okay. As long as you stay strong." I smiled, " I will try. But I don't want you to miss your plane." He smiled and said bye then left. I said, " I am in defiance of candy."

So we got out of the house, and well I love there dresses it went ash, Cindy, Alesha, Lauren

So we took my car and well Cindy drove since she knew where this was. But we were bored in the car, and I asked, " is there anything on the radio?" Alesha smirked and said, " no but I did bring this" She pulled out my cd, I said, " Alesha you took that out? I don't know about it?" She said, " oh shut it. We are apply for you, besides I already love it." I rolled my eyes and she put it in. And well my music is a mix of metal, rock, and punk. But I blushed because she blared, But they were singing and well I just sang with them. But we turned it down when we got closer to it.

But she parked threw me my keys and we went in. And was all I smelled was a sent of cotton candy, it slapped me in the face. But we went to a booth, and I said, " okay so how's everything you guys I haven't seen you in a few months." They said, " good good, but how are you little miss rocker?" I laughed and said, " I wouldn't say that. But I have been good. And I got my first tattoo. And we'll soon I am getting my first piercing." Ash said, "your dad will kill you." I laughed and said, " yeah. I know but I am making my own decisions. And I have a weird feeling that this thing is going to spread." I pointed to my tattoo.

So we ate and well Lauren asked Cindy to be the godmother. I thought that was so sweet. But we were talking and I asked if any could play like drums? Cindy said she could so I asked if I ever go on tour could she come with me? She said sure, so I thought that was sweet, and well if I ever need a new look I am going to Alesha. I love her designs and outfits so that is good. But well the last one thing I had to ask was what should I do for Halloween. They gave me a evil grin. I said, " you guys have no idea what I am planning do you?" They shook their heads, no. Great. Well I just have to save up a few hundred bucks and we'll get supplies.

October 9

So it has been about three months and today the ep comes out, so I am super happy about it. And well I do try and keep in touch with them. And they texted me a few times. But well I have gotten to know them behind the music. And like I said they are super nice. But apamas were good I watched it online. But I still remember 2018 last year, forever warped. I wanted to go so bad. But nope lost that chance. So for now that has happened.

But I did re dye my hair and it is this like blue ombré I am not sure, it is super cute and light,

So I also have to go to a wedding next January. Lauren and gage are having a like forest theme, kind of wedding. But well we went dress shopping and she found the most prettiest unique kind of dress. So she also got bridesmaid dresses, and well she is showing a little but I think it is so sweet. I am never having kids, I am staying single the rest of my life, and well I said, " well actually I am married to the music." Basically yes this is true. Because I love it, it is my entire life. And I want it to stay that way. Besides I don't need no man to hold me back from dreamin. Yeah a few guys have tried to flirt, I turn away and no talk.

But well I am out trying to get Halloween supplies, and this is my third run to party city. Yes I have been trying to decorate a shit ton. My bedroom is Halloween my apartment is Halloween. My life is Halloween. So if you understand my house has this Halloween touch to it. But well I was out and well I had my phone with me. But I was in party city. Looking for more decorations. And then when I got to the costumes, I heard my phone ring. I changed my ringtone to something more Halloween. But I answered it, it was an unknown number.

Conversation: Haley and Juliet

H: hello?

J: Haley?

H: yes?

J: it's Juliet.

H: oh hi, sorry didn't recognize the number. What's up?

J: nothing much, so I heard the ep comes out today, I am so happy for you and also Andy Nd the guys want to meet up with you. And I would like to to.

H: okay when?

J: are you busy today?

H: I can see. Because right now this is my third trip to party city.

J: may I ask why?

H: one word. Halloween.

J: cool. I take it is your favorite holiday?

H: Yep. But we can meet up tomorrow.

J: sure, do you want to meet at your house or?

H: well my apartment is filled with jump scares and decorations

J: that's okay I just won't tell Andy.

H: okay then. And warning when it comes to Halloween I go all out.

J: okay see you tomorrow Haley.

H: bye Juliet.

I hung up and thought do I still have it? Light popped in my head. I still do. Good but the thing is that I am missing. Is special effects makeup. Just right now me standing in party city, by the Halloween section laughing crazy. Yep it is Halloween time people.

Back home

So I got back home and well Halloween is my house right now. I love it I wish it was everyday, well for me it is everyday. But I walked in and I have so many thing sin here. I just love it. But I set down the bag, and well I started adding a few more things finished that. And then went to my closet and found my one costume and I still kept the wings. Hell I did keep them and I thought oh this Halloween is going to be fucked up.