"I don't even know how to play any except scrabble" I said with a smile "although, board games are not really that boring unlike the paranormal club's. When I heard the word compete, my mind went back to moments when I was in my grandparents house and they were playing monopoly with my parents and brother" I smiled at the memory
"Monopoly? I have heard of that board game." Gabriella said as she looked at me
"Do not just call it that. The game causes fight amongst players, they will even forget they are family. I remembered the time my brother was disrespectful to my mom because of the game. Lol!" I said as I smiled at the memory
"If it was my mom and one of her children disrespects her, she will correct the child with the cane"
"Come on, at least that day my mom knows why he was disrespectful"
"She tried to use his pocket money to bribe him in selling his house to her" I said as I burst into laughter remembering that moment