The awkward moment between Luciano and Keirah is a comedy show for James and his mother.
That leads Keirah and Luciano to take off. Walking away from the mother and son who laughing their eyes out.
Embarrassed, Luciano walks out first, and Keirah follows in pursuit.
“These two are crazy...” Keirah speaks as she looks back at them to see them still laughing. “ I am so sorry. It was insensitive of me. You could have died.”
“Well, don't let it worry you. I already accepted your apology. You were mean to me, but it was also a good reminder that I can also die soon.
“ I saw my past life flash before my eyes at that moment in the river. It was a revelation of what I do not want to be anymore. I now know what I want. I want you, Keirah.
“Regrets that break me that are haunting me in my sleep all came at once. I do not want to regret missing my chance with you too.
“Every mistake made me fail to be better. Every promise I broke as I let down my late mother, James, and Zia.