
Because the farm had been prosperous for many generations, it was well cared for and just as brightly lit. The rushes on the floor were clean and the many tables were laden with many types of food. Seated at the main table on a dais was Mikkel, seated to his immediate left was Rose. To her left were her shield maidens and guards. To Mikkel's right was Lothar, his second and then the Sheriff, the Lord Mayor, and the greedy priest. All were looking at disdain at his mate's guards. No one knew better than he what kind of trouble man's heart can dream up. He had been privy to enough of it created my his "loving mother" whilst he was growing up.

"My Lord?" Rose inquired of the wolfman sitting next to her.

"Rose, it is true that I am a leader of my people and as such, I am usually addressed with a title. However, you are my mate and as such, you are my equal. You may address me by my name. You are not required to address me as My Lord or Alpha, or any other title. You may even address me as husband, if you wish." Mikkel watched his sweet mate contemplate the things he had told her. He could practically see her mind working. He knew what she was going to say before she could utter the words and so, he raised his hand to forestall her from making the statement. Looking down the table to the three sour faced men to his right, he smirked. The thought of what he was about to do satisfied him greatly. Mikkel humphed to himself. He would not chance his mate's own heritage to be taken.

Looking over at one of the tables he saw his third and chief blacksmith. The two were really quite uncomfortable among the humans. Where they were from, men, even humans were hardier and not as frail looking. Switching the thoughts in his head, he thought back to his earlier conversation with his Lady Luna's friend.

"Are you sure you don't mind? You are more than welcome to stay here indefinitely. However, the money is yours for the keeping. You are the only friend that Rose has ever had and for that I thank you and offer you lifetime lodgings here at the farmstead. But, I would like to buy it from you still and let my Third and my chief blacksmith live here. I trust them both, and as they are yet to find a mate at our home, I thought perhaps......." Mikkel left the thought hanging, knowing that Dougal would understand.

"Alpha, truly, I am honored. But, I would like to return to the North with you. I have family that I have not seen in forty years or more. May I travel with you?" Dougal knew that it was his right. He asked out of respect for the wolfman's sense of honor. He knew that he was the closest thing that Rose had to a guardian and at the ceremony that would be held in the North, his presence would be required.

"You are indeed a man of honor, sir. Yes, you will travel with us as Rose's guardian.' Having placed a large bag of gold in his hand the farmstead changed hands and papers were signed.

Calling out to his Third and blacksmith, "Borinn, Bor." The two men turned and acknowledged their leader. "Come here. The Luna and I wish to bestow a gift upon you this eve." Rose watched as the two men approached. The one, Bor, the blacksmith had the largest shoulders and arms she had ever seen. His was more muscular than her soon to be husband and mate.

Both men approached and eyed their new mistress. They had heard the rumors that she was a seer and because of her gift was isolated. Yet, her guards, the shieldmaidens had told many that she was a kind and gentle soul, not appearing to have a temper. When they reached the table both men placed a fist over their hearts and bowed. First to MIkkel then to Rose. Both men smiled a gentle smile at her blush.

"Borinn, Bor. It is my desire that you stay behind and live on the farmstead and tend it in the absence of it's owner, my mate. I have purchased it from Dougal for a handsome price so that it may stay in Rose's line. I would like to see you two settle and maybe find a mate locally. I would also favor next summer that you two travel to nearby villages and towns and increase our trade. Do you find this favorable?"

Both men nodded in agreement while, down at the end of the table the three men from the village had what could only be described as a sour look on their faces. Just to be a little malicious, Mikkel looked at his sweet mate then down at the priest. "Priest, I have a need to be married tonight. After all, does you bible not say it is better to be married than to live in sin? Or some such as this?" Mikkel knew what the scripture was, their priest back home often used it in marriage ceremonies. But, he wasn't going to tell them that.

The priest stuttered and stammered, but could come up with no excuse as to why he should not perform the ceremony. Mikkel pressed his lips together to hide his merriment at the town "ambassadors" expressions. They ranged from disbelief to downright anger. Finally the Lord Mayor spoke up.

"Now see here! You mock our beliefs and think to take our women from us! What right have you!" The man, short and fat, stood and smacked his hand against the table to add emphasis to his anger.

Before anyone would utter a word, Hildi had her dirk pressed against his throat and her fist in his hair, jerking his head back to expose his throat. "You dare utter your lies and deceit after trying to take my Lady Luna's property from her. You insult her in her own home by not wishing her well in her future marriage. You three have cast a pall over this dinner. A meal intended to introduce My Lady Luna to us, her new pack and to introduce us to her and you. To show you that we are not uncivilized vermin and that we are aware of your tricks. Hear me, fat man, if so much as one hair is harmed on my Lady Luna's or Lord Alpha's head while we are here or on our journey home, I will find you and will kill you the slowest most painful way possible. Starting with your dangling flesh." While still holding the Lord Mayor's hair and the dirk to his throat, Hildi addressed the priest.

"Tell me, Priest. Do you harbor such thoughts as well. It would be in your best interest to enjoy my pack's company. You see, we have our own christian priest at home, and we have built him a rather large church, where my pack brothers and sisters come to hear Mass read. So you see, priest, even your greed can be satisfied. I'm sure your Bishop would love to hear how wealthy your church has become with the conversion of the Northmen."

Releasing the Mayor's oily hair, Hildi wiped her hand on his clothes and grimaced. "A bath wouldn't be out of place either." Turning, she returned to her seat next to her lady, who promptly reached under the table and grabbed her hand and squeezed it in thanks.

"Well, my brothers and sisters, it appears we are having a wedding!" Mikkel raised his mug of ale and first offered it to Rose, who drank and then took several deep swallows himself. Those gathered chanted "Skol" and raised their mugs before taking deep swallows themselves.

The priest, swallowing the lump of fear in his throat, smiled at the town ambassadors and said, "It looks like we are having a wedding!"