Home II

After some time, once both of them had consolidated their breakthroughs, their father stood up, his eyes filled with intense seriousness. "Please tell me you didn't tell anyone about this?" he asked.

Leon grinned. "No, just 100 of them."

"Leon!" his father exclaimed in alarm.

"I mean, they're part of my organization, the one I'm going to start," Leon clarified.

"Organization? What organization?" his mother asked, sitting down in her chair.

"Leon wants to create his own organization," Michael chimed in, helping to explain. "He doesn't want to join anyone else's."

"Because I don't trust others—not after what I saw in Westblood City," Leon replied firmly.

"Westblood City? That's a Class 9 city! What were the two of you doing there?" their mother suddenly asked, staring at Leon with concern.

Michael scratched his neck nervously, while Leon continued, "We never even went to a Class 2 city before. But we went to a Class 9 because we wanted to break our limits."

"And I did break mine," Leon added, "Now, it's just Michael who remains."

Their father looked at Michael and sighed. "How much time did you spend there?" he asked.

"Close to 14 years," Leon replied, referring to his life in the Supreme Magus world.

"Ha! No wonder you're so mature," their father responded with a mix of surprise and understanding. He then patted Leon's shoulder, adding, "But starting an organization requires more than just a few people."

"I know," Leon acknowledged, "That's why I want to show you what I got from the inheritance." With that, Leon brought out the Spiritual World in its mature form.

"Is this... a glass ball?" his father asked, puzzled.

Leon snapped his fingers, and the sphere began to grow, eventually covering the entire table.

"It can grow bigger than this continent, if not the world," Leon explained.

"Wait! Don't tell me you have a pocket world with you now?" their father exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yes, that's the word," Leon smiled, snapping his fingers again as a portal appeared—a swirling, icy-colored vortex.

Leon stepped into the portal and gestured for them to follow. "Let's go inside," he said, as he entered the Spiritual World.

Michael, father and mother looked at each other before entering the swirling Icy portal.

Entering there they found themselves standing on an platform mid air, gazing at an magnificent city.

The city was breathtakingly beautiful, like something straight out of a children's fairy tale.

"Leon, is this where you lived for 14 years?" his father asked, marveling at the sight.

"Yes," Leon nodded as the platform they were on began to fly towards the city.

"What are those floating islands?" Michael asked, pointing at the farms.

"Those are my farms," Leon replied, steering them closer. His family gazed in awe at the myriad of plants growing on the different islands.

"They all look so exotic and unfamiliar... Wait! Isn't that the black seed you showed us earlier?" their father said, spotting the Sacred Rye among the crops.

"Yes, they come from here," Leon confirmed, while his mother continued to look around in wonder.

"Let's head home first so I can start curing Mother," Leon suggested, and they began to move towards the city.

"Cure me?" his mother asked, surprised.

Leon pursed his lips. "Mom, what happened to you?" Michael asked, concerned.

"Well, Michael, it's nothing—she's just having some difficulties with our little sibling," Leon said, winking at their parents.

Mum and Dad exchanged a glance, realizing that Leon already knew their secret. Michael, however, was still anxious. "Can you cure her?" he asked, his worry evident.

"Yeah, just let her live in a highly concentrated mana region and feed her plenty of daffodil honey," Leon said as he brought out a floating island that was encased in a protective dome. "And fortunately, I also farm them here."

His mother and father were astonished, seeing the daffodil bees so close up.

Leon then sent them off to explore on their own, while he continued toward the grand castle ahead. As they neared, the majestic structure loomed larger, with intricate designs etched into its towering walls. The castle exuded an aura of ancient power and elegance.

"Welcome to my home," Leon announced, pushing open the massive castle doors.

Their jaws dropped as they stepped inside.

"This is..." his father began.

"Marvelous," his mother finished, her voice filled with awe.

"And crazy," Michael added, looking around at the opulent surroundings.

After touring the entire castle, they stood together, trying to process the grandeur they had just witnessed. The mix of ancient elegance and modern innovation left them in disbelief.

"So, this place will be your headquarters, right?" his mother asked.

"Yes," Leon nodded.

"Okay, let's say you have this place, and you also have resources, but... one thing you might not know is that after the Knight Grade, you can only progress if you have an Inheritance," his father said.

"I know about that," Leon replied with a calm smile, "and I have this."

As he spoke, another portal appeared before them.

"This is a Secret Realm exclusive to me," Leon explained.

A day before, just after recruiting his hundredth member for his organization, Leon had received a series of unexpected rewards.

[Hidden Quest Completed: Create Your Organization]


A Secret Realm Gacha

5 Instructors Gacha

3 Guardians Gacha

10 Special Disciple Recruitments]

The portal shimmered with energy, offering them a glimpse into the mysterious realm that now belonged solely to Leon.

"It has over 1,000 inheritances scattered around, and only those who are truly capable can claim them," Leon explained.

His father frowned with concern. "But what about the powerhouses? You can't protect your organization from others alone. They'll come after you, kill you, and divide your resources."

Leon smiled confidently. "I didn't live alone here," he replied as he clapped his hands. Suddenly, eight figures entered the room.

"These are the people who were sleeping here, but once I claimed the inheritance, they awakened as well. They'll help me, bound by a contract with the original owner of the legacy," Leon began introducing them one by one.

"First is Yoriichi Tsugikuni. He's a swordsman—a very powerful one. He's developed many swordsmanship arts, but his own Sun Breathing technique is the most powerful."

Yoriichi was a tall man with a lean, muscular build, fair skin, maroon eyes, and long spiky hair with red tips, tied back in a ponytail. He bore a striking resemblance to his twin brother, Michikatsu, though he was slightly more slender, with shorter bangs and wavier hair. Yoriichi nodded respectfully to Leon's parents, who returned the gesture.

"Next is Akaza. He's from the Demon race and a powerful martial artist. His fists can literally shatter mountains, even when he uses his arts in his weakened human form without relying on his full power."

Akaza had a lean, muscular build with pale skin adorned with blue, web-like markings that covered most of his body, including his face. His short, spiky hair was a vibrant pink, contrasting sharply with his skin.

"Next is Ainz Ooal Gown," Leon continued, gesturing toward a skeletal figure clad in extravagant robes. "He's a powerful mage who shed his humanity to endlessly research spells."

Ainz's red eyes flickered as he placed a hand on his chest and bowed.

"And finally, we have Merlin. She's also a mage, and a very powerful one at that," Leon introduced, pointing to a beautiful lady in the group.

Leon gestured toward the new arrival and began, "This is Scáthach. Known as the Witch of the Shadows, she is a master of both spear and rune magic."

Scáthach stood tall and slender, her dark purple hair cascading like a midnight mist. Her striking crimson eyes glowed with the weight of countless battles and ancient wisdom. She wore sleek, black armor that highlighted her powerful yet graceful build, and her presence radiated an aura of lethal elegance.

"They're actually just instructors," Leon clarified. "They have a contract with the previous owner to continue their roles and share their knowledge."

Suddenly, Ainz stepped forward and observed Leon's mother. "My lady, it seems you are afflicted by a curse," he said, his voice carrying a note of concern.

"Can you help her?" Leon's mother asked, her voice filled with desperation.

"I can," Ainz replied. Summoning his staff, he approached her. "This level of curse is insignificant compared to my power."

Ainz placed his skeletal hand on her abdomen. His hand seemed to penetrate her body, and with a firm grip, he seized the curse clinging to her soul. He clenched his fist, drawing the curse out with a powerful yank.

As the surge of energy subsided, the room settled back into an uneasy calm. Leon and Michael exchanged glances, both taken aback by the display.

"This is her real power," their father remarked, a mixture of relief and awe in his voice.

Leon and Michael looked at their mother with newfound respect and surprise.

"So, we had an op mum all along?" they both thought in unison.