Organization Levels

After a few hours, everyone returned as they helped their Blood Clones form their bonds with their monsters.

"Now, the first step is done," Leon said, looking at everyone and their Blood Clones.

"Firstly, let your Blood Clones reach up to their level," Leon instructed. The Blood Clones stood up and left to train and catch up to the realm their originals were in.

"Let me explain the divisions," Leon said as everyone listened attentively.

"First, all instructors will be Chief Elders. Among the Guardians, Alucard will be the proxy leader of the clan, while Satoru will act as the Vice Leader," Leon explained.

"Next, Father will be in the Research Department as he requested."

"Mother, what position do you want?" Leon asked, looking at his mother.

"I'm happy with the Elder position," she replied, and Leon nodded in agreement.

"Next are the member divisions," Leon continued.

"First, like other organizations, we won't have Elites and Super Elites per se, but we will have different rankings."

"The rankings will be Bronze, Silver, and Gold Elites after the common members."

"Following that, we will have Black Elites, ranked from 1 to 7, and White Elites, also ranked from 1 to 7. At top after me, The Void moon, there will be only one Red Moon and one Blue Moon."

"So, the member rankings will be Void, Red and Blue Moon at the top, followed by Black and White Moons, and then Gold, Silver, and Bronze Elites."

We will decided who will be who by a competition" 

"Since, all of yours mission is to infilter ate the other organizations, Blood clone of all of yours cant participate in this Elite competition" 

"I will have the other 100 members I selected participate in the competition," Leon added, "If you all want to participate in it, there is another Clone of all of you still left, but I would suggest to save it for Supreme Organization members" 

"you all can however, chose a prodigy for yourself amongst the hundred people I have selected, or not, if you don't like any of them" 

"Its all your choices" Leon said and everyone nodded.

"So, right now, let's see who will get the elite positions."

"Though the Red Moon and Blue Moon are already occupied by my clones," Leon said, clapping his hands and summoning two figures. One had white hair and red eyes, while the other had white hair and blue eyes. Both were handsome, with the red-eyed one being lean and bold, and the blue-eyed one having a strong, muscular build.

"Meet Diablo and Lucifer," Leon smiled as he introduced them.

"Diablo here has the powers of the Vampire Progenitor, and Lucifer here has the powers of the Werewolf Progenitor," Leon explained.

"Two powerful Bloodline inheritances I found here in the Secret Realm," he added. Both of them were at the initial stages of the Lieutenant Realm.

"Also, they are currently suppressing their realm until they get totem artifacts," Leon said.

"I have over 103 totem blueprints," Michael suddenly added.

"Wow, Michael is already making contributions," Leon smiled as he took the book from Michael's hands.

"Hmmm, they are just up to Duke grades," Leon mused. "Still, they're among the less impressive ones." Leon then added some contribution points to Michael's name.

 As he said " but I can make them better" and used Awaken on them, make them up to Tyrant stge.

"You can exchange them after you break your limit," Leon said.

Michael nodded.

"Also, let me explain some of the facilities here," Leon continued, beginning to explain the facilities of the Spiritual World.

"First, the Forge can automatically forge equipment once you put materials on it," Leon said as he placed a corporeal stage monster corpse on it. The group watched as it began to break down and smelt, eventually forging a gauntlet.

"Next is the Alchemy Hall. It harvests corpses and creates suitable alchemy potions," Leon said as he pointed to a batch of potions.

"And lastly is the Law Space."

"Here, one can comprehend rules as well as laws, as their realm allows," Leon explained.

"What are rules and laws?" Michael asked.

"Yes, good question," Leon responded.

"You see, our world is governed by a set of laws that regulate everything here. Rules, on the other hand, are discrete units. If one's comprehension is sufficient, they can understand rules at three levels," Leon explained.

"Level 3 is the weakest, with Level 2 being much better than Level 3. Finally, Level 1 is infinitely closer to laws, being just a few steps away from the real laws."

"Now, rules are very powerful. For example, if a Private Stage cultivator comprehends a law, they can defeat even a Peak Knight Grade opponent, provided the other person hasn't yet comprehended a law."

Hearing this, Michael's eyes widened in amazement. Unlike others, he had never heard of such concepts.

"You're not kidding, right?" Michael asked.

"He's not. Having the power of rules is like knowing the composition of the world. One can easily alter its structure, bring about significant changes, or even destroy things at mass level," Ainz said, looking at Michael.

Michael nodded, his mind spinning with the new information. "But you're not allowed to go there yet, until you break your limit?" Leon said.

Hearing this, Michael sighed, but Leon's next words lifted his spirits. "I have added a rule crystal in the reward box I gave you earlier. Breaking it will directly allow you to enter a Law Space, and you will have one week there to comprehend a rule or any amount as long as you can in those days."

Mom and Dad smiled as they looked at Michael. "I think your brother is right; gaining power without hard work makes one lazy," Mom said.

"Yes, and it makes you prideful, which is the first step towards downfall," Ainz added.

"It's okay. I'll drill some good combat skills into him," Scáthach chimed in too.

"Not only him, you all are going to train the 100 people I selected for next 100 days, for the competition" Leon said.

He then added " Now, you guys talk while I will go and get those 100 people" 

He then left them and next days come with other 100 kids his ages he selected, all of them looked around in wonder as they saw it.