Record Breaker

After an entire hour, Leon decided to get a little serious—not because he was actually feeling pressured, but because he wanted to demonstrate that he was just an average genius. The current record for the highest combat score was over 11,000 points, which meant the previous record holder had survived 110 minutes against these creatures.

Leon didn't want to come across as too overbearing, so he started acting as if he were huffing and puffing, even though he was still at his peak thanks to Abundance. As the record time approached, his battle seemed increasingly difficult, with him even appearing to get injured. However, he was still relaxed beneath the surface. Finally, after passing the 117-minute mark, Leon called for surrender, signaling that he'd had enough.

As soon as Leon exited, he received an email with his battle score and a video of his performance.

"Hmm, 19,560. Why the extra 2,500?" Leon thought, surprised at the score. He expected the standard score of 100 points per minute but noticed additional bonuses. Scrolling down to check the details, he discovered that younger participants received a higher score ratio. "So, the younger you are, the higher the score multiplier," he mused, then closed the email.

After returning to his apartment in the city, Leon submitted his combat score along with applications to all the S-rank guilds and waited for their responses.

The S-rank guilds here were unlike the one Michael had encountered before. These guilds were established by members of Supreme Organizations, specifically designed for rigorous training and development of both themselves and smaller organizations.

As Leon prepared to go to sleep, his holo-watch buzzed incessantly for five minutes straight. He glanced at the notifications and saw that he had received multiple invitations, not just from guilds in his own region but from other regions as well.

"Hmm, I guess being a record breaker is more significant than I thought," Leon mused, checking the one guild notification he was most interested in.

"Blood Frenzy," the name flashed on his screen. This guild was under the Tower of Wisdom, one of the Supreme Organizations. Leon had chosen this guild because it possessed not one but two Occult Methods—rare and powerful arts that operated on different energies called occult energies. Leon was particularly drawn to this guild because of these methods, which would align well with his own skills and those of his partners.

The first Occult Method, Blood Born, was tailored for Blood Cultivators but could also be utilized by others. It was known for enhancing blood-based abilities and had a notorious reputation for the pain it brings to victim.

The second method, Void Eater Domain, was even more intriguing. This Domain-type Occult Method had a deadly reputation because it killed its user the moment it was activated, earning it a reputation as a useless and dangerous technique in most people's eyes. However, Among the Grim race, There is a race attuned to void energies, could harness its potential without the lethal drawbacks. Thus the method was not publicly released because the Human race has no reason to share it if they could empower their enemies, They would rather have it collect dust rather then empower their enemies.

After a restless night, Leon woke up and prepared for the day ahead. His new guild, Blood Frenzy, awaited him. As he flew through the city towards his new guild, many onlookers stared at him with envy. Only members of S-rank guilds had the privilege of flying over the heads of others, a symbol of their elite status.

Soon, Leon reached his destination, a massive building with the name "Blood Frenzy" prominently displayed. The guild's symbol, a spear dripping with blood, caught his eye. However, Leon quickly looked away, feeling the overwhelming power imbued in the symbol's runes—power he couldn't decipher without risking injury.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, Leon entered the building and approached the receptionist for directions. The receptionist, initially appearing disinterested, perked up upon seeing his credentials. "Welcome to our Guild, Sir Leon," she said, standing up with newfound respect. "Please follow me."

Leon followed her to an elevator that took them directly to the Guild Master's office. The Guild Master of Blood Frenzy, Henry, was known for his eccentric personality. He looked like a punk, with a haughty demeanor and an unorthodox style. As Leon entered, Henry sized him up with a grin.

"Ahahaha! Great! Our guild needs bold people like you," Henry exclaimed, suddenly teleporting behind Leon and patting his shoulder. His easygoing yet unpredictable nature was another reason Leon had chosen this guild.

"It's my pleasure to be here," Leon replied politely.

Henry nodded and then gestured to the receptionist, who had followed them. "She will be your personal guide and assistant," Henry explained. "She will assist you in all ways." He emphasized the word "all" with a knowing smile.

Leon looked at him, dumbfounded, then glanced at the receptionist, Melissa. She curtsied, lifting the sides of her skirt slightly, revealing a hint of her cleavage. "My name is Melissa. I will be in your care," she said, bowing.

"Is this a test?" Leon asked, unsure of what was happening.

"No, my boy," Henry chuckled. "It's normal. All the geniuses get this treatment."

Henry's tone shifted as he explained further, "The reason is simple. Geniuses are the first to die. We do this not just for their entertainment but to preserve their genes so they won't be lost."

Leon fell silent, understanding the grim reality behind Henry's words. The human race, even in this world, was struggling. Unless a supreme genius emerged, there was little hope for them to reclaim their place among other races.

Leon sighed, thinking, "At least this is a tutorial world. I only have to worry about other things here." His mind began to race as he contemplated ways to elevate the humans in this world and ensure their survival.

"now go, Malissa here is actually very powerful, one of the elites in our organization, you are thinking then why she was an Receptionist right?" Henry said.

Leon nodded.

"actually not her but all other elites women in our guild did this so that they can get a piece of you, they have temporarily become receptionists today" henry said and then he asked " can you guess what level she is?" 

Leon looked at her and asked, "Peak of Knight grade?"

Henry smiled and nodded at Malissa. Suddenly, an overwhelming pressure erupted from her, not directly targeting anyone, but powerful enough to force both Henry and Leon to their knees.

Leon glanced at Henry, who was also kneeling, and Henry met his gaze with a shrug. "As I said, she's one of the elites of our organization, which means she's also an elite of the Tower of Wisdom—a Peak Emperor-grade powerhouse." Malissa nodded, acknowledging his statement.

"S-so, now, Malissa here is your assistant, your partner, your teacher, as well as your protector," Henry said, patting Leon on the shoulder.

"Now, Lady Malissa will take you and begin your journey," Henry added as Malissa reached out her hand to Leon, offering to guide him.

Leon hesitated for a moment before taking her hand. With a firm grip, Malissa crossed her arm with his, leading him out of the room. Leon couldn't help but feel the immense power she held.

'I guess I can forget about the partner and fun part' Leo thought knowing a women of her status will never have night with him.