Chapter 5: Bound by Duty

"The head of the beast family raised me, and when I turned 18, Draven offered this daughter's hand in marriage, and I accepted and we got married."

"Interesting, very interesting. This turned out very good," he says and thinks.

We finished talking and I cursed myself for revealing my relations to the shadow clan and Aya. But I had no choice.

We arrived at his huge manor, and it is very large. There are many servants, and a beautiful dark elf woman with black hair, tall and slim with her piercing green eyes and long pointy ears.

"Welcome home, husband, look like you had an eventful day," she says and smiles.

Jirin smiles and nods, and then looks at me.

"Marlia, this is Renzor, the new slave, and he is a new personal guard for our daughter."

Marlia looks at me smiles, and says, "Looks like you got a good one, he is pretty strong. What rank is he?"

"He is an A-rank warrior, and he is also a part of the infamous Shadow Fenrir family." She smirks.

I think to myself, "Why is he so happy about me being part of the Shadow Fenrir family?"

Marlia's eyes widen and she smiles, "Interesting, let's see his strength, shall we."

She strides up to me, seizing my throat in a vice-like grip before hurling me across the yard. I soar through the air, traveling ten meters before landing firmly on my feet. "Alright, show me what you've got," she challenges, assuming a fighting stance. I glance at Jirin, who nods in encouragement.

Activating [Enhanced Speed and Acceleration], I dart towards her with lightning speed, aiming a punch that she deftly sidesteps. In response, she delivers a swift kick towards the right side of my head. I evade by ducking, swiftly sweeping her legs as she lands. Reacting quickly, she attempts to knee me in the face, but I intercept with a well-timed block, using the momentum to send her spinning through the air. Seizing the opportunity, I unleash a powerful roundhouse kick towards her side.

She manages to block the strike and somersaults away. "Not bad for a human," she acknowledges, panting slightly. "Your footwork and martial arts are impressive."

I grin, bracing myself as she charges at me. We engage in a flurry of blows, her punches coming fast and fierce, each one met with a solid block from me. As she swings at me again, I deftly duck beneath her attack and activate [Beast Savage Form]. With a surge of strength, I unleash a powerful hook to her stomach, sending a shockwave rippling through her body. She doubles over in pain, her head lowered.

Sensing an opportunity to end the fight, I prepare to deliver a finishing knee strike to her head, but Jirin intervenes before I can make contact. "Alright, that's enough," he declares firmly.

Relaxing my stance, I lower my leg as Marlia stands bent over, breathing heavily from our intense spar.

Jirin goes over to her and puts his arm around her.

"Good match, Renzor. No one has done this to me for a very long time. I underestimated you, you are very strong. Not only that, you have great martial arts, and you have great instincts. Husband you have found a great one."

I bow my head "Thank you, milady."

I follow Jirin, and we walk up a flight of stairs. We enter a large bedroom and Jirin says, "This is my daughter, she is 18 years old, and her name is Kira Darkfang. You will be protecting her from now on."

"He looks young, how could he protect me?" She says in an arrogant tone.

"Don't worry about that. Now, Renzor, Kira here will be going to the Royal Academy in the new Capital of the Kingdom, Rexhiem, and while there, you will protect her with your life. Understood"

"Yes, sir"

"Also, since she will be away for 4 years, and you will be her guard, she will also be your master, and you will listen to her commands. Understood"

"Yes, sir"

"Good, now both of you get acquainted. I have to go." He says and leaves the room.

Kira walks up to me and examines me.

"You are young, how can you protect me?"

"I will do whatever is needed. What may I call you?"

"Miss or Lady, whichever you prefer, and don't ever call me by my name, got it"

"Yes, Young Miss."

She smiles, and says, "Now, take off your shirt."

"Young Miss?" I ask.

"I want to see the body of my guard. Now do it" she says, and demands.

"As you command, Young Miss," I say, and then I take my shirt off, and she examines me.

"You have a lot of scars, and what are these tattoos?"

"These scars are from battles, The tattoo around my neck is the slave crest and the ones on my right arm are my beastkin Family tattoos."

She touches my arm and traces the tattoo. She looks up and meets my eyes and blushes, and she looks down.

"You can put your shirt back on" she whispers.

I put my shirt back on, and then she sits on her bed.

After a few minutes, she calls out to me "Hey, call one of the maids"

"Yes," I turn and walk out of the room and call for one of the maids.

A maid comes and I tell her "The Young miss is requesting one of the maids"

"Alright, let's go," she says, and I knock on the door and walk in.

"Young Miss, the maid is here"

"Good, send her in"

I bow my head, and the maid enters the room. I stand in the corner observing.

"Yes, miss what can I do for you?"

"Get him a few new pairs of clothes. He needs it"

"Yes, Miss." The maid says and bows.

"Also, get him a new pair of shoes"

"Yes, Miss" the maid exits the room, and the young miss continues writing.

After a few minutes, the maid returns to the room with a set of clothes and shoes.

The maid brings the clothes and leaves, Kira tells me "Go get cleaned and cut your hair, you look filthy. Then come back."

I bow and walk out of the room and ask around about where the showers are. One of the male servants points me in the direction, and I take a quick shower and put on the new clothes, it is a poet shirt with high-waisted pants. And the shoes are boots that reach my ankle. It was comfortable to fight in.

I get scissors from one of the maids, and cut my hair, and cut it short. I walk back to Kira's room and knock.

"Come in, and close the door"

I do what she says, and then I walk and stand in the corner.

"Good, I see you took a shower and got your hair cut. Let's go it is dinner time." she stares at me for a bit too long, then blushes.

She gets up and walks toward the door, and I open the door. I walk out behind her. We walk downstairs and to the dining hall.

There are 5 people at the table. Jirin, Marlia, and 2 kids.

I stand a few steps behind her and I watch everyone.

The butler walks and puts her plate down and her drink.

Kira sits down and eats, and I observe.

"Renzor, how old are you," Maria asks.

"I am 24 years old" I answer.

"Oh, so you are 6 years older than Kira," Marlia says.

The 2 kids look at me, and ask Jirin who I am.

Jirin says, "This is Renzor he is your older sister's personal guard. Renzor this is my son Zane and my daughter Zora. They are twins and they are 16."

"Young master and Youngest miss, nice to meet you," I say and bow.

They stare at me and get back to eating. The family talk between themselves and finish dinner.

Kira gets up and leaves, she calls a maid to follow her to her room and I follow behind them.

We reach her room and she walks in the maid walks behind her and I close the door.

"Mistress, how can I serve you tonight" The maid asks

"I want to take a bath, and then I want you to massage me," Kira says to the maid

"Yes, miss" the maid goes and gets a bucket of water and a towel,

She takes her dress off, and she takes off her bra. Her breasts are small, and she is thin, her skin is a light greyish-purple, and her body is perfect.

She puts the towel over her body, she looks at me then goes into the bathroom the maid follows her and closes the door.

Half an hour later, the maid exits the bathroom and the young miss comes out with a towel covering her body.

"Mistress, I will get you some night clothes."

"No, I will just wear the towel."

The young miss sits on the bed, and the maid starts massaging her.

"How is that, Mistress" the maid says, and smiles.

"You good, keep going"

After 15 minutes, the massage is over and Kira lays down on the bed.

"Mistress, Your nightgown," the maid says, and hands her the night gown.

"It's fine, I will sleep with just the towel."

The maid looks at her then me, then nods and leaves the room.

"Hey, lock the door."

I turn lock the door, and walk up to her. "Please, put on your clothes, you can get a cold" I hand her the nightgown.

"Why, is it a problem for a girl to not wear her clothes." she looks at me.

"No, but a woman shouldn't be naked, even if they are beautiful."

She blushes, takes off the towel and I walk away, and she puts the nightgown on.

A maid knocked on the door and handed me a bowl of fruits for the young miss and a bowl of mushroom and chicken stew with bread for me.

"Thanks, Renzor. I want to eat alone, you can go and eat."

"Yes, Miss"

I leave the room and eat my food outside the door.

After 10 minutes, I enter the room. 

The young Miss says "I am going to sleep now."

"Yes, miss," I sit on the chair near the window, and wait until she falls asleep.

A few minutes pass, and she falls asleep. I sit down, and think to myself, "Aya, if you can hear me I am fine and well. I Love You." I look out the window and fall asleep.