Chapter 8

"I understand. Since I know Sunbae have heavy responsibilities, please go back quickly."

Minjun tried to lift Dohwa in his arms. Dohwa, who wanted to resist, felt a sweet fragrance emanating from Minjun that wrapped around his body. It was a sensation as if there was weight in the fragrance, pressing down on him, and he felt the area between his buttocks becoming sticky. It even accompanied dizziness as if the earth were spinning backward.

"Ah... ugh...."

"Sunbae, are you okay?"

"I'm... fine... fine...."

Although Dohwa answered, his body, unable to find balance, was leaning on Minjun. Watching Dohwa like this, Minjun inserted his hand into Dohwa's pants. His snake-like, gliding touch was relentless. Soon, his fingers unexpectedly slipped between Dohwa's buttocks.


Dohwa gasped in surprise. This, this isn't right...

Though he ordered himself to refuse mentally, his body didn't comply. His ass opened up, welcoming Minjun's fingers. In this situation, where he might experience an unexpected invasion, the sensations felt insane. He bit his lip to hide it.

"Ha... don't... don't do this...."

Despite his denial, his voice was trembling like a quivering cedar. Minjun kissed Dohwa's reddened forehead and then his lips in succession, making Dohwa even more confused by the erratic kisses. If he wanted to hit him, he should have hit him. He didn't understand why this was happening, which made it even scarier. Shortly after, Minjun embraced Dohwa's back and knees, lifting him up.

"I... really am fine.... It's okay... Please, I won't tell anyone about what happened today, so please... take me home... okay?"

Dohwa pleaded with his hands together. However, Minjun maintained silence, entered the door Dohwa was about to leave earlier, and descended the stairs.

Dohwa considered delivering a headbutt to Minjun's forehead and leaping out, but his body, overwhelmed by the rising heat, sadly sought refuge in Minjun's embrace.

The place they arrived at was the same sweet room they were in earlier. Minjun, holding Dohwa in his arms, effortlessly reached the bedroom. The sheets were neatly arranged, indicating that the staff had been there while Dohwa was away.

When Dohwa saw the traces of the staff that were not visible when he struggled to find the exit earlier, he felt even more like falling into the abyss of despair. It seemed as if the staff had been hiding, aware of Dohwa's plea for help.

Dohwa was laid on the neatly arranged sheets by Minjun's hands. An uncomfortable comfort dominated his body. Because of this, his body momentarily relaxed, but he quickly sat up again, thinking it wasn't the right time. However, Minjun had already leaned over Dohwa, without hesitation grabbing Dohwa's shoulders, pushing him down, and tearing off his clothes as if they were paper.

In an instant, Dohwa's face turned red as he became completely exposed. It was a mixture of embarrassment and fear, feeling like falling off a cliff. He raised his hands again in a plea.

"Minjun... I... I was wrong..."

Minjun, holding Dohwa's hands, brought his face closer to him. The angle was slightly off, so they ended up facing each other.

In this position, Minjun stepped into the shadow of silence. Instead, a concentrated, warm scent spread like a shower.

"Ah... ugh..."

Dohwa groaned as if suffocating in that fragrance. It was a sensation of muscles relaxing all over his body. As the scent became stronger, it seemed like even his mind would melt. How could a perfume be so intoxicating? It shouldn't be possible... it was strange.

Come to think of it, Cha Minjun wasn't a beta. He was an extreme alpha. Dohwa recalled learning in biology that alphas emit pheromones to attract or even attack omegas. So, this must be pheromones.

Pheromones were said to have a deeper scent than perfume. They were adjustable, and the intensity of the scent could vary depending on emotions. It was known that they were most emitted when an alpha was trying to dominate or attack. Minjun had no reason to dominate him, so was he expressing dislike? However, why did it feel so sweet? Dohwa, being a beta himself, was confused about how he could sense Minjun's pheromones.

What he couldn't bear anymore was Minjun's lips approaching. It felt like an irresistible pleasure would greet him if Minjun devoured him in one bite. As the longing sensation increased, strangely, his body heated up even more, and the area between his buttocks became stimulatingly damp. When this tingling reached its peak, Dohwa found himself kissing Minjun's lips.

The soft moistness and the sweet taste that seemed to grip his brain tightly enveloped his whole body. However, the restraint of reason he had been holding onto swept over him like cold water, and he hastily bit Minjun's lips.

"Mi... sorry..."

Dohwa didn't know if he could survive this. Yet, he had just kissed his partner again... It seemed like he had gone mad, wanting to plunge into the abyss.

"This is not... I didn't mean to..."

Minjun's lips covered Dohwa's again before he could say more. Then, Minjun wrapped his arms around Dohwa's back and knees, fully embracing him.


His tongue squeezed between Dohwa's lips and invade the insides. At that moment, Dohwa felt the joy that had never been experienced before, not just because the heat subsided. As a result, his shoulder flinched convulsively. The feeling of shortness of breath and penetration by Minjun sucking his lips felt like he is sucking Dohwa's soul. His heart shook, he feels hot and his spine was tingling. The will of resistance disappeared and he unwittingly sucked on Minjun's tongue.


There tongue overlaps and saliva is stirred and mixed. Sometimes there teeth collided. Minjun also spat out rough breaths and invade Dohwa's mouth. It was like a snake soaked in lust.

Dohwa, who was half-sitting, was also completely laid on the bed and accepted Minjun with his mouth open wider. He know this is not the time to be dominated by instinct, but the consciousness of resisting Minjun now was like a fantasy in another world. It was absolutely ecstatic.

They don't know realized how much they covet each other's mouths.

When Dohwa was completely trapped in his arms and the clean sheet was quite crumpled, Minjun's lips gently left his. The lips of the two, wet with saliva, were shiny. It was the result of a kiss so passionate that they both didn't know whose saliva it was.

The feverish excitement cooled down for a while. His ational thinking camebac and he was startled to see that he had a french kiss with Min-jun.

It's crazy. It's crazy.

But this was only for a moment, too. His was startled as he felt Min-jun's movement. He took off all his blood-stained bottoms.

"Oh my!"

Dohwa was stunned. It was because of his cock that rose between Minjun's solid thighs. It was as thick as Dohwa's forearm and floated a dark red light, making it difficult to think that it was a human thing. It seemed that another creature had survived. They had the same thing, but in comparison, Dohwa's cock was like a child.

Min-jun hugged Dohwa tightly while he was about to close his legs because he was embarrassed once more. His hard and fearsome penis touched his stomach. The veins and damp fluid in the penis were rubbed together.

Dohwa almost groaned without realizing it, but managed to swallow it. But it was really strange. As he kept in contact with him, it was easy to breathe and the fever subsided.

''I told you. I won't do anything bad...''

''Sigh... No...''

Dohwa was an eyewitness who saw Minjun kill a person. Right now, he could have grabbed Dohwa's neck and twisted it right away, or he could have drill a hole in his head using the gun in his jacket pocket. It was not convincing to whisper that he wasn't doing anything bad in this situation. Isn't this a bad thing now, too, in a way? Dohwa was an adult and had the knowledge that something rusty would happen now.

He is a beta. Society's natural perception that male beta should be linked to female beta is also that physical bonding is similar to omega. Alpha and alpha, beta and omega, beta and alpha are sometimes combined, but they are uncommon and have paid the price accordingly.

This Alpha who approached him is a first to him to handle, a far-right man three years younger than himself. It was something he never imagined.

So he felt like he was committing a taboo.

In the meantime, Min-jun's lips were covered his lips once more. Dohwa, who was in confusion, quickly pushed his shoulders. Then, Min-jun also retreated with time. When their body separated he developed another fever and even a headache that seemed to break his head.

"Isn't it painful...?"

Minjun grabbed Dohwa's chin as if it were natural.

''I'll be all right again.''

He whispered in a unique low tone and kissed again. And with his solid arms, the back of the Dohwa was also wrapped. Gradually, Dohwa became less heated again, and even the headache disappeared refreshingly. He was going crazy about why he was doing this.

Moreover, Minjun's pheromone exploded, making Dohwa's consciousness more dazed. It didn't take long to reach the idea that he didn't want to fall off rather than being afraid.

''You don't have to be scared.''

Min-jun's eyes in the hot air were colorful.

''It's just the process of being mine...''

Minjun's voice seemed hot and full of cold air. So he couldn't understand what he was thinking about saying this. The rational judgment disappeared and only the rambling instinct grew. My whole body heated up and he was out of breath. This was because the area where Minjun's tongue licked every corner of Dohwa's body became wet and hot.