CH.25 (R-18/Yuri)

She opened her hand a a whip appeared in her hand and the adventurer held a whip tightly in her hand, clearly anxious about how she would use it on me. "Are you ready?"

she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. I nodded, biting my lip as the first sting of the whip made contact with her skin. The force was not enough to cause any significant pain or pleasure, but it served as a reminder that the adventurer was in control - for now.

The adventurer's grip on the whip tightened with each stroke, and she began to feel more confident. The jealousy she felt towards me seemed to fade away as she watched me squirm under the force of the whip. It was clear that the adventurer wanted this to be a memorable experience for both of us, even if it didn't necessarily bring pleasure to me.

As the scene continued, I found herself growing numb to the sensation of the whip, my thoughts drifting away from the immediate pain and towards the power dynamic unfolding between me and the adventurer. The adventurer felt a sense of satisfaction in being able to assert control over someone as beautiful as Me, even if it was just

for this one moment. When the scene finally came to an end as she came since she started masturbating while whipping me, both me and the adventurer were left breathless - one from exertion, the other from sheer shock of the pain. As the adventurer laid down the whip, she couldn't help but wonder how things would change now that she had tasted power over Me, even if just for a little while.

What she certainly didn't expect was for her to lose control of her body immediately, she tried to resist but her body gave out on her and she was only able to squirm on the ground like a worm. Once Johanna gained full control over her she ordered her to wait for a few seconds.

Johanna first needed to recover since this experience was way worse then anything that has ever happened to her she was very relieved that she was still able to take control over her as she came since she wouldn't have endured much longer. Unexpectedly the second adventurer immediately arrived after that and said. 

"you shouldn't have broken her this much you know its still our job to keep her unharmed and alive without Frank noticing we have fucked her."

"We will just get a priest to heal her and start already I can't wait for the second round."

"Well then get the hell out of here."

She vanishes and even though Johanna wanted to start the escape right now she wanted to endure this just a little bit longer so that she can use two of them to get her child and only one to guard her.

The man didn't contain his lust very long and immediately started to unzip his pants. 

He wasted no time in making his intentions clear, climbing on top of me with a force that took my breath away. The weight of his body pressed down upon mine, crushing me into the thin mattress of straw beneath us as he forced himself inside of my pussy. I felt myself growing numb to the sensation - both physically and emotionally - as the male adventurer continued to thrust relentlessly within me. His truly huge dick caused very much pain inside of my pussy, even though it was already stretched by so many big dicks before. As he finally reached his climax, i could feel him shuddering above me, his grip on my wrists tightening as if to prevent me from running away. As he was done relieving himself in me the same thing happened to him as the female adventurer. He started to spasm but he tried to hold onto me to prevent himself from falling which didn't work at all, he just pulled me out of my bed and smashed me on the ground. Once he was under my control he finally let go and could take a few breathes to relax.

Johanna was laying on the ground the big dick of the adventurer did more damage to her walking ability than she thought but she still ordered all the adventurers to gather in her cell for a short talk. 

"I will not be able to escape today so you will just inquire about the location of my son and prepare the escape rout while I stay here to recover."

she tries to say even though she was still heavily panting. The adventurers nodded understandingly and all vanished into thin air again. Johanna took her time but she eventually made it to her bed to get her well deserved sleep.

As Johanna was waking up from her sleep she noticed that a dark figure was standing in her room watching her sleep. She jolted up to take a closer look but realised that it was just Yusuf and not Frank, he bowed down as a apology and started to explain.

"There are two important informations, first your son is still in this city even though he is not at this estate you are currently in, secondly Frank is planning to have him travel to a safer estate of his which would harden the difficulty of finding him since even we do not know of this location."

"I understand thanks for the information so that means we have to time the escape before he gets brought away. do you by any chance know when this will take place ?"

"We don't know a exact dater but it should be tomorrow or the day after that."

"Fuck!, Ok inform me immediately when you see any movements indicating the departure of him."

"Understood anything else ?"

"Yes you and Alexes job will be to rescue him while I will escape, so tell him to keep watch together."


He vanished and Johanna was left alone to worry about her son all alone again. She trusted the adventurers since she knew their strength but there could always happen something unexpected. She rested and waited in her jail cell a few hours where she ate and slept again until The female adventurer appeared in her room and told her it was time to go.