Chapter 03: Rejected By Power

I was granted a seven-day period by the deities to contemplate my choice of remaining or departing. My physical and psychological restoration were given the highest priority. Over the past few days, I have been more acquainted with the individuals that saved me. Despite their refusal to disclose any of their secrets, they were morally upright individuals who only shared their knowledge with me when I was prepared to receive it. Their statement was limited to describing me as an exceptional individual, emphasizing the rarity of someone with my qualities. My existence was a very rare phenomenon, appearing just once per few millennia, making my arrival impossible to forecast. I possessed extraordinary abilities akin to those of a deity, which therefore provoked the onslaught of the shadows upon our community. They had journeyed to every territory and devastated the fields in pursuit of the specific person who would determine the equilibrium between righteousness and malevolence. I found amusement in the notion that my existence resembled a fairy tale, though without the presence of a princess or a prince.

The majority of my days were dedicated to the library, as it was a rare occurrence for gods to provide access to a human being, let alone offer their knowledge. The various books on a multitude of subjects were enthralling. I was pleasantly impressed by how effortlessly I navigated the domain. I felt disheartened when none of the deities arrived to accompany me for dinner or a casual walk on the premises.

Today was the last day of my vacation from the obligations or likely death that awaited me. While the gods clearly anticipated my decision to remain, I did briefly consider the concept of death. The need for vengeance on behalf of my people compelled me to withstand any challenges that the darkness presented, yet I recognized the necessity of training to acquire the power I yearned for.

Strolling across a bustling bridge spanning over a vibrant pond teeming with fish, I pondered the concept of power. Throughout my life, I have never displayed any indication of possessing or exerting any form of authority or control. Perhaps the divine beings and the obscurity were mistaken. Was there not even a minuscule probability that any of them were incorrect? The extended cerulean gown I donned gently embraced my flesh as it fluttered in the wind. The deities possessed exquisite preferences in clothing, and I continuously expressed my profound gratitude for being in this location and adorned in such exceptional garments. Although I volunteered to undertake tasks such as cooking, sewing, and cleaning the premises, they declined to allow me to do anything until the first week had elapsed.

"There you are!" Zane exclaimed, offering me a seat next to him.

"You're beautiful," Brod exclaimed, looking at me from head to toe. "These clothes sure came in handy, it's a good thing you kept them, Niam."

"Thank you. Again. For everything., I paused between each words to emphasize my feelings of gratitude.

"Have you decided, yet?" Jace asked, sitting across the table from me.

"I want to train. I need to get stronger, but I am not sure you've got the right person," I answered. "You see, I don't have powers."

"I though so too. So, I checked if your fire would resonate with mine. It did. No worries," Zane replied, throwing himself on the chair next to mine.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I kissed you on the day you arrived. I tried to wake you, but you were sleeping deeply. If anything, you talk in your sleep and you granted me permission when I asked."

I widened the eyes. "So, that's why I dreamed about being kissed by a god. It was you. It felt so real."

"I'm flattered that you saw me in your dream. That's how well your magic resonated with mine. You returned the kisses I gave you. Nice movements of the lips, I must say," Zane winked, catching the apple Niam threw him.

I experienced a sudden reddening of my cheeks. The room's temperature had noticeably increased during the span of a minute. My gaze shifted towards the table as I restrained a smile. The dream had been enjoyable.

"You can't get stronger for a reason as futile as revenge," Jace warned. If you harbor it in your heart, your powers won't manifest themselves in a tangible form. "Let go of your past. Your new life awaits."

"Are we not going to talk about that kiss anymore?" Brod grumbled. "Thanks to Zane and his teenager-like hormones, we know she resonates well with fire. What about the rest of us? Isn't she supposed to control more than our four elements?"

"More?" I asked, throwing a surprised look in Brod's direction.

"Our four elements and one that is your own," Jace explained.

"The last elemental human was an ice maker? Wasn't he?" Niam asked, taking a scoop of chicken soup. "Six hundred years really does make one's memory forget details."

"What happened to him?" I asked. 

"He died." Brod replied, "Jace killed me."

I turned to face Jace. My face displayed concerns. "He chose to join the previous demon lord. He joined the darkness. They trained him, but not as well as we could teach him. What a fool," Jace replied, lost in thoughts.

"When do we start?" I asked with a serious tone.

"Tonight," Brod replied, getting up. "You'll start with the basics. After you finish eating, you'll do the dishes with Niam and follow his instructions. He's the second most patient guy of us all," Brod left the table. The sound of his steps disappeared into the evening light.

Niam assumed a seated posture, adopting the monk position with his legs neatly folded. He demanded complete silence. Essential components include meditation, regulation of respiration, and concentration of the mind. Initially, these duties appeared uncomplicated in principle, but I swiftly discovered that they formed the fundamental basis for harnessing magic. I dedicated extensive and exasperating hours to honing the skill of remaining motionless and achieving mastery over breathing techniques, relentlessly straining my physical and mental capacities to their utmost boundaries. Occasionally, Niam would open one eye to monitor my activities.

"Your breathing has regulated," Niam noticed in a passive voice. "Close your eyes and let the wind caress your skin. When you are ready, reach forward to touch it's essence."

"You can't touch the wind," I objected. "It's invisible and immaterial. An element I can't directly touch my my hands.

"And yet it touches you and has the power to suffocate you," Niam replied in a harsh tone. I struck a cord within him. "The wind ability is dormant within you. You have to awaken it."

"How?" I asked, throwing my arms in the air. "If it's so easy, you do it."

"Very well," Niam waved his hand in front of him and silver strings formed in front of him. The strings danced in front of my eyes, encircled my arm and disappeared.

"I can't do that," I stubbornly stated.

"Not with that attitude. You have to be patient. Start over with the basics." 

As I advanced in my foundation skills, my diligent training impressed the wind deity, who began to recognize my potential. He grinned increasingly compared to the instant we started.

"Time to summon the wind," the wind god said when my body naturally relaxed. "I will help you awaken and channel the power within. May I?" Niam asked, his face close to mine. I nodded. The wind weaver delicately seized the back of my neck and his lips made contact with mine. An intense burst of energy emanated from the depths of my being, yearning to be released. I remained indifferent as the wind gusts around us, causing the trees to sway and contort. It was complete and absolute ecstasy. I reciprocated Niam's kiss, hesitant to let go of such a state of intense pleasure. If this was an accurate representation of the experience of possessing powers, I had no desire for the phenomena to cease.

Niam pulled himself away and the wind vanished. I panted, my eyes locked on those of the wind weaver. He seemed as amazed as I was by the power that had been summoned. "Holy shit," Niam said between two breaths. "You're the most powerful of your kind. The way my magic resonated with yours was addicting. It was unnatural. Class dismissed," the god expressed in confusion, leaving me alone with the coldness of the stone I sat on.

I shut my eyes and extended my arm. The wind remained unchanged.