Chapter 09: Inner Strength

"It's a start." Zane told me as I awoke with a racing heart and burning lungs.

I gasped for air, the cool night breeze filling my lungs as I lay on the soft grass beneath the towering oak tree. The moon hung low in the sky, its silvery light casting eerie shadows across the landscape. Something felt different. I sat up, my muscles sore and my body aching.

A shadow loomed over me, blocking out the moonlight. It was Zane, clad in his iconic red armor, his sword sheathed at his side. "Well, well," he rumbled, his voice deep and powerful. "It looks like someone's been having quite the rest."

I stared up at him, confusion etching my features. "What... what happened to me?" I managed to croak. Zane chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "That, my dear, is a long story. But rest assured, you're alive and well... for now." He offered me a hand, helping me to her feet. As I stood, the world spun dizzily around me, and I had to steady myself against a tree trunk.

The god of fire studied me for a moment, his piercing gaze taking in my injuries and fatigue. Then, with a nod, he gestured for me to follow him deeper into the forest. "It's time for your training to begin again," he said, his voice stern. "You've been given a second chance, and I won't waste it. From now on, you'll learn the limits of your strength and the responsibilities that come with it. Last time, your fire almost killed you."

I hesitated, my legs still unsteady, but something in Zane's eyes told me that it was futile to argue. So, with a deep breath, I steeled myself and followed after him. As we walked, the trees grew taller and thicker, and the air thickened with the scent of pine and the crackle of fire. Zane led me to a clearing, where a massive dragon's skull rested atop a mound of earth, its jagged teeth gleaming in the moonlight. "This is where we begin," he announced, his voice echoing through the silent forest. "Your first task is to lift that skull."

I gulped, my muscles tensing as I surveyed the massive bone. It was easily more than twice my size, and I could feel the weight of it pulling at my very soul. But I squared my shoulders and stepped forward, my hands bracing themselves against the skull. With a grunt of effort, I heaved upward, straining every muscle in my body. To my surprise, it moved ever so slightly, the teeth scraping against the earth.

Zane watched me intently; his eyes narrowed. "Not bad," he muttered. "But you're still holding back." He circled around me, his steps silent as a ghost. "Now, try again. But this time, push past the limits you think you can reach. Unleash your true strength."

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. I felt a surge of energy course through my veins, and with renewed determination, I threw myself into the task. With all my might, I heaved the skull upwards, ignoring the screaming pain in my muscles. And then, with a groan, it lifted free of the earth, its weight almost too much to bear. I stumbled backward, panting heavily, as the skull teetered on the tips of my fingers. For a moment, I was afraid that I might drop it, but then, with a final burst of strength, I lifted it completely off the ground using my flames. My arms trembled from the effort.

"Well, I'll be damned," Zane rumbled, his voice almost admiring. "But don't get too cocky. Your training has only just begun." He gestured toward a nearby clearing, where a massive tree towered over everything else in sight. "Your next task is to uproot that tree. And this time, I want you to do it without using your godly powers. Prove to me that you can master your strength and use it wisely."

I hesitated, my eyes darting between the tree and Zane. I could feel the power coursing through my veins, the potential for destruction waiting just beneath the surface. But I restrained myself, taking a deep breath. "I haven't trained with Brod yet. This isn't fair." I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "How am I supposed to lift up a tree without burning it down with fire or cutting its roots with the wind?"

Zane growled in response, and his expression darkened. Mumbling nonsense, I turned my attention back to the tree, my eyes studying its massive trunk. It was easily five times my height and twice as thick as I was. I knew that I had to strike at its base, where its roots were strongest. Slowly and carefully, I circled around the tree, searching for the perfect angle. When I found it, I gathered my strength, took a deep breath, and charged forward. With all my might, I slammed into the tree, feeling the impact reverberate through my body. But the tree didn't budge. I tried again and again, each time feeling more frustrated and defeated.

After what seemed like hours of fruitless effort, I finally stopped, my body aching and my spirit broken. I slumped to the ground, defeated. "I can't do it," I whispered, my voice hoarse with exhaustion. "I'm not strong enough."

As I spoke the words, Zane's hand came down hard on my shoulder, forcing me to look up. His eyes were hard and unyielding. "You are strong enough," he growled. "You just haven't found the right way to use your strength yet." He gestured toward the tree once more. "Go back. Try again. And this time, be smart. Find a way to work with the strength you have rather than against it."

I nodded, my chest heaving as I fought for air. He was right, though I did not want to admit it. I had to find a new approach and a new strategy. I couldn't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Taking a deep breath, I rose to my feet, my muscles burning with the effort. Circling around the tree once more, I began to formulate a plan. A plan that would use my strength to my advantage rather than against it. A plan that would finally uproot this tree and prove to Zane that I was worthy of his training.

Studying the tree's massive trunk, I noticed a series of deep cracks running along its surface. I knew that these cracks were weak spots—places where the wood had been damaged. If I could focus my strength on these points, I might just have a chance. With renewed determination, I positioned myself directly in front of the tree, my hands braced against the crack I had chosen. I took a deep breath, feeling the power surging through my veins, and then, with all my might, I pushed.

The crack widened beneath my hands, and I could feel the wood starting to give way. I pushed harder, my muscles burning with the effort, and slowly, inexorably, the tree began to lean. With each passing moment, the angle grew steeper, the tree's own weight working against it. Finally, with a groan that echoed through the forest, the tree toppled over, its roots ripped free of the earth. I stumbled backward, my arms trembling from the effort, as the tree crashed to the ground. I looked up at Zane, my chest heaving and my muscles screaming, but I felt a sense of triumph welling up inside me. I had done it. I had found a way to harness my strength and use it to my advantage.

Zane watched me intently, his expression unreadable. "Fine," he rumbled, his voice hiding admiration. "But remember, this is only the beginning. Your training has just begun to scratch the surface of what you are capable of." He gestured toward a nearby clearing, where another massive tree waited, its trunk twice as wide as the first. "Your next task is to uproot that tree. But this time, I want you to do it even faster than before. Prove to me that you can control your strength as well as you can wield it."

Throwing the smirking god a dark look, I nodded, my heart pounding with determination. "I'll show you," I mumbled to myself. I knew that the challenges ahead would only grow more difficult, but I was ready to prove myself to Zane and the others, as well as become the warrior I was destined to be. With a deep breath, I turned my attention back to the tree, my eyes already searching for the cracks and weak spots that would be my key to victory.

A thrill of excitement coursed through my veins. The air seemed to crackle with energy, and I could feel the power surging through my muscles, begging to be unleashed. It was simpler to wish that I could simply charge forward and uproot the tree right then and there, but I forced myself to slow down and tame the wild combination of fire and wind stirring within. Being methodical was the right course of action. I knew that rushing in would only lead to failure.

With a deep breath, I focused my gaze on the largest crack I could find, a jagged line that ran nearly the entire length of the tree's trunk. I positioned myself directly in front of it, bracing my feet firmly against the tree's wide base. Taking another breath, I felt the power surging through my veins, the weight of my own strength pressing down upon me like a physical force.

With a grunt of determination, I pushed. The crack widened beneath my hands, and I felt the tree begin to shift, its massive bulk starting to lean. I pushed harder, throwing everything I had into the effort, and the tree groaned in protest, its roots digging deeper into the earth as it fought to remain upright. I narrowed my eyes, feeling a pull on my hands. I fought it back. Was exhaustion playing nasty tricks on my mind?

Zane watched, his eyes narrowing with concern as he saw the tree beginning to give way. He knew that if it fell, it could easily crush me beneath it. He took a step forward, ready to intervene if necessary. But before he could act, the tree finally toppled over, its roots snapping free of the ground with a resounding crack. The massive trunk came crashing down, missing me by mere inches. I lay on the ground, panting heavily, my muscles screaming from the exertion.

"Are you all right?" Zane asked, his voice gruff with worry. I nodded. My vision blurred with exhaustion. Pushing away tears forming in my eyes, I felt a sharp pain in my hands where the tree had burned me, but I ignored it. My focus was elsewhere.

I looked up at Zane, my eyes wide with surprise. "Did you see that? I thought I felt something grab my hands from within the tree. It pulled me and made me lose my concentration!"

Zane frowned, his brow furrowed in thought. "It's possible. There are often hidden spirits and creatures within the forest, known to possess great strength and cunning. They might have seen you as a threat to their domain and sought to test your abilities."

He extended a hand to help me up, his eyes never leaving mine. "But you must not let such distractions hinder you. If you are to truly master your power, you must learn to control it, even in the face of such challenges. The forest is a dangerous place, filled with many dangers, both seen and unseen. You must be prepared for anything."

"Can't you just comfort me and say that I did a good job and I can rest now?" I asked with a pleading tone.

"If I kiss you again, we'll end up burning the whole forest." Zane seemed to sense my conflicting emotions and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You did well, Kyla. Do not be too hard on yourself. It is natural to make mistakes when faced with such power. The important thing is that you recognize them and learn from them. We'll continue after lunch." He smiled gently at me, his eyes filled with understanding and encouragement.