Ch-10-New house (First Edit)

In the morning, I untangle myself from my bedroll and pull out a potato and some rabbit meat. Placing them on some kitchenware in the middle of the floor, I open the stove and start a fire in it.

While the stove is heating up, I place the potato in the fire to bake it and set the rabbit on top of the stove to grill it.

When the meat starts to get fully cooked I check the potato to see that it is done. With the meat finishing shortly after, I make myself a simple meat-stuffed baked potato.

"Man... I wish I had cheese and sour cream."

With no discernible solution to my complaints, I finished my potato and walked outside to start the day.

Going over to my workbench, I opened the crafting tab to switch to it, but I found that there was no way to switch tabs in there. Confused, I looked around the menu and saw that the system version had changed.

[Survival System: Version 0.3.0]

With this change, I looked at the workbench to figure out how I was supposed to use it, only to see a prompt asking if I wanted to open the workbench menu.

Opening the workbench menu, I found all the things I set to build yesterday, as well as the crafting menu inside. Grabbing the workstations, I placed them in a ring pattern around me.

With the workstations down, I moved over to the stone cutting bench and got a prompt like the workbench; it seemed to me that all the workstations now operated like this.

Opening the workstation, I set it to start crafting some stone foundations, half walls, and pipes. Moving on, I set the woodworking bench to make some half-log siding, interior wood walls, interior wood floor, and some weather-treated wood planks of varying sizes.

Next, I move to the mortar and pestle, setting it to make gunpowder from some of the things I picked up, as well as the stuff needed for bone china ware.

Returning to the workbench, I Set it to make a stone stove and chimney, kitchen cabinets, and a kitchen sink. With all that set, I moved on to the stone furnace and lit it with some wood, only pulling out one iron bar.

I heated the bar in the furnace before taking it to the anvil and placing it on top.

Reaching into my inventory, I find a hammer, albeit not one used for what I intend to use it for, but it will work.

Pulling out the hammer, I strike it against the glowing iron, deforming it slightly. I then repeatedly strike while the iron is still hot, forming the edge of a blade. Now that the edge is formed and the metal has started to cool off too much, I return it to the forge and heat the iron again. With the metal heated once more, I return it to the anvil and begin forming it again.

Soon, I made a handle slot and took the edge to a wide curved point. Now that the forming is finished, I take a barrel of fresh water from the ship, which I had been drinking periodically, and place it next to the anvil.

Dunking the newly made axe head in the water to quench it, I wait for the steam to stop before pulling the axe head out of the barrel and receiving a message.

[Congratulations, you have made your first metal tool all on your own. You have been rewarded with the tech metal tools.]

[Congratulations, you have made your first metal tool all on your own. Your forging skill has increased by five levels, and the next skill point placed here will award you a 25% boost.]

With the knowledge of how to forge many different metal hand tools nearly perfectly entering my head, I set the anvil to make a few metal hand drills and saws. Soon, however, the system sent a new notification into my vision that I had been ignoring.

[Congratulations [Quest: Mainline 1: Catching Up to the Rest of the World] Completed! You have received the reward of one free stat point.]

[New Quest Received]

[Quest: Mainline 1: New House]

{Task 1: unlock all tech necessary to build a better house.} (completed)

{Task 2: craft the structural pieces.} (in-progress)

{Task 3: Build the house.} (not yet started)

{Task 4: Furnish the house.} (not yet started)

{Reward: +5 tech points}

When I saw the quest reward I received, I held off on allocating the stat point. The new quest, however, gave me good enough incentive to open my tech tree and place a point in both primitive bedding as well as furniture-making.

Surprisingly, the furniture was made in a separate workstation from the woodworking bench, which I had already made as it was included in the materials refining tech.

Moving there, I opened the menu to see what I could make and was surprised by the contents. I could make a complete dining set for six, which I did, a full queen-sized bedroom set including nightstands, wardrobe, and changing screen, which I also made two of, and a white-washed stone standing tub that was way too large for me alone, which I of course made.

After this, I checked on the mortar and pestle to find that it finished everything I set it to do.

Taking the materials for the bone china from the mortar, I moved over to the ceramics bench and set it to make the kitchenware and dishes I wanted.

After all that was done, I went to the stone-cutting table, took all the foundations that it had made, and walked over to the stream. There, I started to lay the foundations for my new house.

The foundation began on one side of the stream and went over it, with an arched channel built into it to allow the water to pass through without obstruction. On the other side, the house would hit a ninty degree and turn left with a hallway along the exterior wall next to the stream.

Along this hallway were two rooms made to be guestrooms. Back in the main room, the entrance would lead to the dining room with a kitten and stairwell in the back. The upstairs would be the master suite. This design also left room for expansion.

Going back to the workbenches, I check to see if the rest of the crafting is finished.

The stone pipes and random pieces of lumber needed some more time to finish.

Taking what is there, I return to the foundation and begin placing the walls of the structure.

On the outside of the entire building, I placed a half wall of stone topped with a half wall of horizontal half-log siding. I then placed the interior wood walls along the exterior walls and separated the rooms with double thick walls after I placed the floors down.

I also used floor pieces for the roof, making it flat and partitioning the upstairs from the downstairs. Jumping off the walls, I grab onto the opening in the ceiling and pull myself up.

Upstairs, I place exterior walls made entirely out of half logs with an interior wood wall behind them.

Next, I partitioned a section with walls for the bathroom, which I will be placing up here.

Jumping down, I go back outside the newly built house and go over to the workstations, which I am now calling the work area. Opening the different menus, I grab all the freshly built stuff and head back inside.

The first thing that I placed was the kitchen with the stove on the side wall and the cabinets running along both sides; after this is the dining room, which is right next to it.

Next, I head to one of the downstairs bedrooms and place down one of the bedroom sets.

Going back outside, I order the woodworking station to make a set of right-angle stairs and six roof sections. Waiting for the stairs to finish, I grab them and return inside.

Once on the bottom floor, I place the stairs and ascend them. Upstairs, I place the second bedroom set and the bathtub.

With these down, I start to run the stone pipes through the walls for the eventual time when I have running water. With that finished, I return to the woodworking bench, retrieve the roof pieces, and place them on the house.

Finishing this, a window appears in my vision. 

[Congratulations [Quest: Mainline 1: New House] Completed! You have received the reward of five tech points.]

[Congratulations on completing multiple quests back to back. For your hard work, you have received one point for your endurance.]

Completing the quest, I look to see where the sun is and find it to be setting, so I enter my new house and use my kitchen for the first time.

After putting a cougar steak on the stove, I lit a fire inside it and let the meat cook. Though it takes longer to heat up, I am still able to enjoy my food while watching the sunset.