Ch-26-Sect (Part 1) (First Edit)

This realization stunned me for long enough not to feel the claustrophobia from everything collapsing toward me.

When I did come to, the world came back, and I could see that I was in the hall again. The laughter, though, was notably gone.

Everyone looked at me again in utter silence, though this time, it was not like someone had turned on noise cancelation, saving my ears. This lasted for a few minutes before someone spoke again.

"Please tell me I am not the only one who saw that."

"I saw it as well."

"You weren't hallucinating."

"I never thought that a multi-element spiritual root could be like that. It even had a heavenly phenomenon."

"But multi-element spiritual roots aren't of the heavenly grade, right?"

The elders started discussing in shock.

Vale: "I can actually explain that."

At my words, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. When I did not speak, one of the elders said, "Well, come on, girl, let us hear it."

"My system shows me what my spiritual root is, and it says that I have the Heavenly Ten Element Revolving Spiritual Root."

When I said this, everyone went quiet once more before someone responded, "Well, at least that explains it. Now, which part of the sect should she go to?"

The man on the throne tapped his chin in thought before saying, "Since she can wield every element, that means she could go wherever she wants. However, from what we have been told, her system will need a lot of space, so I suggest that we give her the mountain next to this one, as it has been abandoned for a while."

A few of the elders got upset that they were going to give me a mountain, but the others eventually persuaded them. With that decided, the old man in front of me asked, "So now that you have a mountain, where would you like to go? we have many different pavilions for you to choose from." His eyes were sparkling as he said this.

"Um, I am not sure what part of the sect I would join, but I would at least like to see the library if you wouldn't mind." For some reason, being in this position right now just made me feel even more nervous than I have ever felt in my life.

On the other hand, the old man looked like a child who had just lost his favorite toy—in fact, most of the room did. The only difference was the man on the throne, who looked lost in thought before speaking, "I would like to know why you would want access to the library."

"It is so I can research the techniques. One of the things that I asked for when reincarnating was to see all the flaws in any technique, and I don't want to cultivate an inferior one. That is why I would like access to the library to research and make my own technique." When I said this, the room went quiet, and everyone looked at me with shock again and, from what I could sense, some greed as well. The man on the throne then stole all their attention by saying.

"While that is amazing, I would recommend that you do not share that information outside of this room. I will also give you free access to all techniques that will allow you to reach the next realm and below. So, right now, that would mean you only have access to body tempering techniques." At this, he waves his hand, and a metal token flies in front of me before hovering there.

Holding my hand out, the token falls into my palm. The face of the token looks like a pagoda sounded by open scrolls with the word library caved at the bottom. "With that token, you can enter and exit the library at will without paying any contribution points. However, it can only be used to access the techniques I have previously designated. Now that this is over, Disciple Lou Xia, could you please escort her to the Hall of Administration and show her the sect."

After he said that, I bowed like Lou Xia had done earlier, "Thank you for your kindness, um-" When I started thanking him, I realized I had no clue who he was. He also seemed to pick up on it as he spoke up again.

"I am the Sect master of the Silver Moon Sect, Xiao Luoyang."

"Thank you, Sect Master." With that said, I step back, but for some reason, Lou Xia does not move. The Sect Master then asks.

"Why are you still here, disciple Lou Xia?"

"It is because I have something I need to discuss with you, so is it fine if junior disciple Valaria steps out for a moment and I meet her at the door?" she responded while side-eyeing me.

"Very well, then. Disciple Valaria will wait for you at the door," he confirmed before motioning me to exit the room. I was unsure why, but I still followed his direction and left the room.

There were still a few people staring into my back, but I shrugged it off for now as I did not think much of it. After exiting the building, I saw that the eagle was still there, so I walked over to it and took some meat out of my inventory.

"Just you and me out here now, huh, budy," I say while handing the meat over. He eats it all in one bite before raising his head and giving out a cry. Then he lowers his head back down and lets me pet his head.

The feathers on his head were so soft and silky that it felt almost heavenly to pet them. It did not last long, though, as soon, Lou Xia came walking out wearing a new dark blue robe with silver trim. When she saw me petting the two-story tall brid, she just hung her head, shaking it.

"While it's not permitted within the sect, I don't think the wind strider will let you go down the mountain without him, so why not ride him to the Administration Hall?" As Lou Xia said this the big eagle raised its head before giving out a cry once more. Lou Xia then grabs me and jumps onto the back of the bird as it takes off, soaring down the side of the mountain.

He then banks hard to the right and passes through a small valley, arriving in a natural basin covered by a large town.

Landing in front of a large pagoda, we both jump off the eagle, and Lou Xia turns around, telling the eagle it can return as we no longer need its service.

I could see the eagle hesitating, so I raised my hand to pet it. He lowered his head, allowing me to do so where. I told him that he was helpful and that he could go back and rest because he must be tired.

Hearing my words, he raises up his head and gives out the loudest cry yet before taking off and heading for the southern part of the Sect.

Turning around, I follow Lou Xia as she enters the building. Inside is a large open floor with tables and chairs placed around for comfort. On the far wall, there is a counter lining the wall, which creates a U-shape to allow for more space behind the counter on either side.

Behind the counter are three people. Two of them seem to be in the middle of paperwork, while the last one looks to be asleep at her post. Walking up to the sleeping attendant, Lou Xia leans in close and taps her on the shoulder; I do not say anything, as I assume they are close based on Lou Xia's actions.

The woman then wakes up with a start before jumping a few inches off her chair and screams, "D**n it, Lou Xia, don't do that!"

"I wouldn't do that if you stopped sleeping on the job. Besides, I need you to register someone here who is a special recruitment." Lou Xia replies while stepping to the side to show me standing behind her, then continues, "The sect master or one of the elders should have already called it down."

"Wait, she is the lucky one who doesn't have to take the test!" The girl shouts while trying to stare a hole through Lou Xia. 

"She did take a test for her elements. You should have seen them. All the elders looked like they would fight to the death to take her as their personal disciple. The only reason they didn't is that the Sect Master was there and watching them. Also, there is something else that makes not even the Sect Master try and take her as a personal disciple." Lou Xia immediately turned on a gossipy mode that I could not even tell that she had.

"What could stop the sect master?" The girl asks with a look of wanting to know.

"One of the Sect Ancestors forbid anyone but them from taking her as their disciple." Lou Xia then dropped this bomb, Which shocked me, as I did not remember meeting any Ancestor.